RUMORE - Rural-Urban Partnerships Motivating Regional Economies
The overall objective of RUMORE is to improve policies in the field of regional innovation strategies by facilitating rural-urban cooperation and partnerships. Huge potentials for growth and job creation remain unused, because urban – often more innovative – cores and surrounding rural parts are not well linked in terms of innovation chains, hence exhibiting a gap for joint innovation policy and effects for regional development. Clusters and regional innovation strategies are often too focused on cities, thus ignoring the stakeholders (e.g. R+D institutions, innovative enterprises) in the rural and peripheral areas who then cannot unfold their full spectrum and chances. RUMORE tackles this shortcoming in many policies and enhances the delivery of innovation in regional innovation chains via improved rural urban partnerships. The partnership consists of 8 partners from 5 countries with a mix of regional authorities, one advisory Lead Partner and a business development agency. RUMORE compiles the few approaches of how to design and set up policy instruments for integrated urban rural development in innovation policies. Good practices from the partners will be shared in an interregional learning and peer review process through Learning Events designed as living labs, and subsequently transferred and adapted to the specific contexts. The progress of improvement of each policy instrument is continuously discussed and 3 recurring working groups on overarching level produce results and added value. 4 ERDF-ROPs and 2 other policy instruments will be improved with an overall influenced amount of ca. 7,5 million Euros. The expected and envisaged results include more than 300 activities supported between innovation actors as well as a significantly raised share of innovative companies in the partner regions. In order to capture the interregional learning and capitalise on it for other European stakeholders, recommendations are derived and spread by the LP in existing networks.
Funding Body: Interreg Europe
Project duration: 01/2017 - 12/2021
Official project's website:
Contact: Anagnostis Argyriou
Tel: +30 2310498475
AlgaeCeuticals - Development of microalgae-based natural UV Sunscreens and Proteins as
cosmeceuticals and nutraceuticals
The overall objective of RUMORE is to improve policies in the field of regional innovation strategies by facilitating rural-urban cooperation and partnerships. Huge potentials for growth and job creation remain unused, because urban – often more innovative – cores and surrounding rural parts are not well linked in terms of innovation chains, hence exhibiting a gap for joint innovation policy and effects for regional development. Clusters and regional innovation strategies are often too focused on cities, thus ignoring the stakeholders (e.g. R+D institutions, innovative enterprises) in the rural and peripheral areas who then cannot unfold their full spectrum and chances. RUMORE tackles this shortcoming in many policies and enhances the delivery of innovation in regional innovation chains via improved rural urban partnerships. The partnership consists of 8 partners from 5 countries with a mix of regional authorities, one advisory Lead Partner and a business development agency. RUMORE compiles the few approaches of how to design and set up policy instruments for integrated urban rural development in innovation policies. Good practices from the partners will be shared in an interregional learning and peer review process through Learning Events designed as living labs, and subsequently transferred and adapted to the specific contexts. The progress of improvement of each policy instrument is continuously discussed and 3 recurring working groups on overarching level produce results and added value. 4 ERDF-ROPs and 2 other policy instruments will be improved with an overall influenced amount of ca. 7,5 million Euros. The expected and envisaged results include more than 300 activities supported between innovation actors as well as a significantly raised share of innovative companies in the partner regions. In order to capture the interregional learning and capitalise on it for other European stakeholders, recommendations are derived and spread by the LP in existing networks.
Funding Body: EC - ΗORIZON 2020, Marie Skłodowska-Curie Innovative - RISE Initiative
Project duration: 01/2018 - 12/2021
Official project's website:
Contact: Panagiotis Madesis
Tel: +30 2310257531
FruitTrees2Safequard - Promoting fruit tree cultivation though maintaining and organizing the field gene bank collection, creating parent plants for the production of certified propagating material and evaluating, exploiting and improving autochthonous cultivars.
Fruit tree cultivation is of great economic importance to the Greek economy and most of the fresh and processed products are exported. The proposal "FruitTrees2Safeguard" aims to enrich and organize the field gene bank collections, create parent plants for the production of certified propagating material and evaluate, utilize and improve local cultivars.
Local cultivars are essential material for breeding since they contain unique gene combinations that ensure adaptability and productivity. The widespread establishment of foreign cultivars results in the loss of local cultivars. The aim of this proposal is to find, rescue, promote and exploit local cultivars of deciduous fruit trees, as well as to enrich and organize the ex-situ field gene bank collections located at the Departments of Deciduous Fruit (DDFT) and Nut Trees (NT) belonging to the Institute of Plant Breeding and Genetic Resources, HAO-DEMETER.
The DDFT has been assigned as authority for holding cultivars registered in the National Catalogue. In the present project, they will be able to organize and expand its collections, providing propagation material to nurseries, and boosting our country's economy. Moreover, the first participant company in the project is the nursery “Tsesmelis” which will be able to obtain certified budding sticks from the above collections and also produce and organize parent plants for patented cultivars for which they hold the proprietor rights.
The deciduous fruit tree cultivars widely cultivated are mostly of foreign origin and had not been previously evaluated for their local adaptability. The aim of the project will be to evaluate the agronomic and quality characteristics of 143 foreign and Greek cultivars of peach, nectarine, cherry, apple, and pear, that are established in an experimental orchard.
Canning peach is a fruit of great economic importance for our country; however, production is based on 8 cultivars in which there are several mutations. The aim of this project will be to isolate mutations with improved characteristics, perform phenotypic and genotypic characterization, and create parental collections for obtaining budding sticks. The second participant company in the project is the canning association ‘DELKOF SA’, which represents a cluster of canning industries and will benefit from the availability of better quality fruit material to produce quality products and extend their operations.
Funding Body: Operational Programme Competitiveness, Entrepreneurship and Innovation 2014-2020 (EPAnEK)
Project duration: 07/2018 - 12/2021
Official project's website:
Contact: Panagiotis Madesis
Tel: +30 2310257531
BioProspect - Conservation and Sustainable Capitalization of biodiversity in forested areas
The Balkan region is a cradle of very rich biodiversity both in terms of flora and fauna. One of the main environmental challenges is the loss of biodiversity which takes place in all Balkans countries and around them. Balkan forests maintain countless possibilities for the development of high value products, since forest nature can valued as capital i.e. as a source of reproduction of ecological services, and as a source of knowledge. Natural forests and Protected areas (PAs) can provide significant recreational opportunities and contribute to sustainable growth and employment. PA genetic biodiversity and services benefit sectors as tourism (ecotourism, accommodation), agriculture (water supplies, water quality, genetic stocks) forestry (Non-Timber products) and industry (pharmaceutical products). Estimation of the value of forests biodiversity and services can provide powerful and much-needed arguments to leverage additional protection for natural ecosystems which are important for sustainable development. Demonstrating the total economic value of PAs can make a convincing case for the conservation of wild species and ecosystems. Towards this direction the ‘’EU Biodiversity Strategy to 2020’ sets the EU 2050 vision as ‘’ European Union biodiversity and the ecosystem services it provides – its natural capital – are protected, valued and appropriately restored for biodiversity’s intrinsic value and for their essential contribution to human wellbeing and economic prosperity. According to the European Parliamentary Research Service (2015), large remaining knowledge gaps about biodiversity mean public authorities and businesses may not have the full picture when taking decisions, especially as regards social, economic and environmental benefits and costs. For this reason economic valuation is one of the main priorities of EU Biodiversity Strategy. More specifically according to ‘’Action 5: Improve knowledge of ecosystems and their services in the EU’’ of the Strategy, Member States, with the assistance of the Commission, should map the state of ecosystems and their services in their national territory, assess the economic value of such services, and promote the integration of these values into accounting and reporting systems at EU and national level by 2020. The originality of BIOPROSPECT relies on promoting the use of a cross-border bioprospect assessment methodological framework and economic valuation model.The main aims of the project are to explore and document the bioprospects of forested protected areas and the ways of sustainable capitalization as a mean for their wise management and conservation. --to encourage cooperation partnerships and networking among economic development planners and PA managers, to develop a cross-border bioprospect assessment methodological framework and economic valuation model in order to achieve outcomes which benefit both economic development and conservation.
Funding Body: INTERREG Balkan-Mediterranean 2014-2020
Project duration: 10/2018 - 10/2020
Official project's website:
Contact: Panagiotis Madesis
Tel: +30 2310257531
Bu4Inno - Βusiness of Κnowledge and Ιnnovation in the primary and related secondary sector
SMEs represent the economic backbone for both countries and are the major job creators in the cross-border area. As the 2018 SBA Fact Sheets of the European Commission for both countries demonstrate, SMEs account for 65.2 % of value added and 75.4 % of employment for Bulgaria and 63.6 % of value added and 85.2 % of employment for Greece respectively, exceeding the EU average of 56.8 % and 66.4 %. Those figures emphasize the importance of SME entrepreneurship and make even more prominent the problem of a lack of sufficient funding schemes and solutions for business in the area. Both countries have struggled with the implementation of the Small Business Act with Greece being among the weakest performing countries in access to finance 'second chance' environment. Bulgaria shows a performance that is below the EU average, again mainly due to poor access to finance and investment capital It becomes evident that SMEs are facing major obstacles in ensuring financial capacity. Also financing from the private sector has been plagued by the ongoing after-effects of the economic crisis, that occurred mainly on Greek soil but created a spill-over effect in the cross-border region, where the regional economies on both sides had created long-established and complex interlinks. Overall Bu4Inno objective is to develop an improved entrepreneurial support system for agricultural SMEs in the cross-border area which is primarily devoted to the agricultural sector with a great variety of goods being produced whilst a large portion of the populace is either wholly or partially involved in their production. Bu4Inno is expected to significantly contribute in agribusiness development in the CB area, in establishing small agribusiness start ups and in changing the entrepreneurial mentality of CB farmers. Bu4Inno is an innovative project combining incubators, academia research, farmers and industry in the agricultural sector thus using the quadruple helix in order to achieve the establishment of agri-entrepreneurial mentality to farmers in the CB area to establish new start ups and small agri-enterprises in the CB area which will produce and sell high added value products, authenticated and developed by innovative means using the knowledge from academia and the close collaboration with SMEs in the CB area. Bu4Inno will also establish and promote innovative methods of trading linked to the application of the processed food systems to the high value productions stimulating the development of the agro-industrial sector which is very important in the COVID 19 era. This approach aims in developing the primary sector from producers to entrepreneurs which will sell their high added value products contributing to the local and national economy and sustain the rural development which allow people to stay in rural areas like the CB area and thrive there. Overall Bu4Inno will establish a robust support system for new and established business in agrientrepreneurship of the CB region.
Funding Body: INTERREG V-A "Greece-Bulgaria 2014-2020"
Project duration: 04/2021 - 04/2023
Official project's website:
Contact: Panagiotis Madesis
Tel: +30 2310257531
SARS-CoV-2 Animals RCM
SARS-Cov-2 lab tests for mink animals
Funding Body: Region of Central Macedonia
Project duration: 01/2021-12/2021
Contact: Anagnostis Argyriou
Tel: +30 2310498475
SARS-CoV-2 Animals RWM
Diagnostic services for the detection of SARS-CoV-2 virus in samples from broiler farms in the Region of Western Macedonia
Funding Body: Region of Western Macedonia
Project duration: 01/2021-12/2021
Contact: Anagnostis Argyriou
Tel: +30 2310498475
CheeseHerbs - Production of innovative dairy products with aromatic plants
The project seeks to develop novel chees products by using local chees and local herbs in an effort to exploit the local biodiversity. The new products (combination of different chees types with the local aromatic plants) will be tested for their flavour, taste, quality and their microbiome which adds special quality characteristics to the final product.
Funding Body: Operational Programme Region of Western Macedonia
Project duration: 07/2020 - 07/2022
Contact: Panagiotis Madesis
Tel: +30 2310257531
CloSeViVa - A Collaborative Network for the Exploitation and Clonal Selection of Greek Vine Varieties and Valorization of the Genetic Material
The vine (Vitis vinifera L) is one of the most widespread perennial species on the planet and is cultivated in a wide range of soil types and climatic conditions. The cultivation of winemaking varieties in Greece in recent years is in crisis despite the fact that Greek wine has managed to open new roads in markets outside Greece. Part of the problem is the non-differentiation of the product mainly due to the lack of healthy propagative material and improved clones of native vitis varieties. Clonal selection in Greece is unfortunately very delayed, with the result that there is no possibility of production and distribution of propagating material of vine coming from such a process. Only recently, after many years of discussions between the competent authorites, the relevant Technical Regulation (Issue B '1599 / 07.06.2016) was signed by the Minister of Rural Development and Food, which allows for the selection of Vine Clonal Selection by operators who have the knowledge to carry it out. The main aim of the project is to create the appropriate structures for the improvement, promotion and clonal selection of Greek vitis varieties by applying, amongst others state-of-the-art genomic methodologies to offer a differentiated, high quality and security of propagating material of the vine. Secomdary objectives are:
• the rescue of Greek traditional varieties of vine,
• the evaluation of selected clones of the most important Greek varieties.
• the production of high quality propagating material of the varieties concerned,
• the creation of a cluster and the improvement of the necessary infrastructure for the implementation of the clonal selection of Greek Vitis varieties,
• the establishment of a traceability, identification and certification system for propagating material and Greek vine products
The partners in this project have significant experience in genomic technologies, phenotyping and conservation, production of propagation material, virus control and wine production, creating a group with complementary capabilities for successfully applying the guidelines of clonal selection for Vitis.
Funding Body: Co‐financed by the European Regional Development Fund of the European Union and Greek national funds through the Operational Program Competitiveness, Entrepreneurship and Innovation, under the call RESEARCH – CREATE - INNOVATE
Project duration: 09/2018-03/2023
Official project's website:
Contact: Anagnostis Argyriou
Tel: +30 2310498475
GrEaTest - Highlighting, evaluating and improving the special quality characteristics of the Greek bean varieties ‘Giants’ and ‘Elephants’ of Prespa
The purpose of the GrEaTest is to improve the local population of beans "Giants" Prespa and the local population of beans "Elephants" Prespa by using new cultivation techniques and also new - omic technologies so that the new populations (varieties) will have all the characteristics that will emerge of traditional indigenous peoples without foreign involvement and to be entered in the National and Community Catalog of Varieties to protect themselves from future risks of genetic mixing and loss.
Funding Body: Agricultural Cooperative of Prespa National Park - Pelican
Project duration: 05/2018 -05/2021
Contact: Panagiotis Madesis
Tel: +30 2310257531
GrEatFruit - Evaluation - Improvement - Promotion of Important Traditional Greek Fruit Varieties
Although the Greek local varieties “Lemonata Volou” (peach), “Firiki Piliou ” (apple), “Tragana Edessis” and “Tsolakeika” (cherries) are promoted for mass cultivation, it does not exist serious research data on them. The proposed program aims at rescue of valuable psychogenetic recourses of those varieties, assessment of selected clones within varieties, production of high quality propagation material, improving growing and storage conditions and their dissemination at other growing areas. They will be performed:
• selection of phenotypes at existing orchards,
• study of growing and post harvest behavior of these varieties,
• estimating of genetic variability of selected genotypes and clones,
• production of high quality propagating material of the selected clones,
• developing protocols for farming techniques and post-harvest handling,
• development of modern, environmentally friendly, production protocols.
•dissemination of research results at farmers,
• market research on the acceptance of these varieties by consumers.
Funding Body: Co‐financed by the European Regional Development Fund of the European Union and Greek national funds through the Operational Program Competitiveness, Entrepreneurship and Innovation, under the call RESEARCH – CREATE - INNOVATE
Project duration: 10/2018 - 04/2022
Contact: Anagnostis Argyriou
Tel: +30 2310498475
GreenBread - Development of new Greek bakery products with improved organoleptic characteristics and extended shelf-life using microorganisms with technological interest
The microbial spoilage of bakery products and the resulting problem of discarding them cause great financial losses both in the bakery industry and the consumer. The addition of sourdough during fermentation has proved to be particularly useful in improving the texture, odor, taste and nutritional value of the products. Furthermore, this approach reduces the physicochemical degradation (staling) and extends their shelf life. In addition to the physicochemical changes that cause quality product degradation, the alteration can also be due to the development of fungi, where some can produce toxic compounds (mycotoxins). The use of starter culture for the preparation of sourdough, which also has antifungal properties, is a promising method for the biopreservation of the bakery products. Given the growing consumers’ demand for less processed foods, e.g.without the addition of chemical preservatives, the application of antifungal microorganisms fits perfectly with the current trend towards a healthier lifestyle, offering a natural way to extend the shelf life and improve the safety of bakery products. The addition of microorganisms to Greek bakery products as starter or complementary culture, which offer protection against the growth of fungi, has not been applied yet on a commercial scale. Therefore, the aim of the project is to isolate and exploit the microflora of Greek traditional sourdoughs for the production of new bakery products with improved organoleptic properties and extended shelf life. This will be achieved using innovative techniques and approaches (metagenomics, metatranscriptomics, metametabolomics and Whole Genome Sequencing) as well as computational methods (bioinformatics). The new starter or complementary cultures are expected to help in controlling a) the growth of fungi and b) the process of flavor development. Through the application of multi-omics and the study of the metabolic network of microorganisms at the genome level, it will be possible to understand the effect of microbes on the development of organoleptic characteristics and the inhibition of fungi. Thus, microbial strains with the desired technological characteristics will be selected. More specific, the research objectives of the project are:
1) Study of the microorganisms isolated from Greek traditional sourdough,
2) Study of the technological and antifungal properties of the isolated microbial strains,
3) Whole Genome Sequencing of the most important technological microorganisms,
4) Selection of the most suited microbes for use as starter or complementary cultures,
5) Production of new bakery products with improved organoleptic characteristics and extended shelf life and
6) Commercial exploitation of the results.
Funding Body: Co‐financed by the European Regional Development Fund of the European Union and Greek national funds through the Operational Program Competitiveness, Entrepreneurship and Innovation, under the call RESEARCH – CREATE - INNOVATE
Project duration: 07/2018 - 01/2022
Official project's website:
Contact: Anagnostis Argyriou
Tel: +30 2310498475
HOLEA - Application of modern analytical and chemometric techniques for the quality control - fraud of olive products
Quality is widely recognized as one of the most strategies for the economic development of each productive sector. Olive oil and edible olives are commercial products with continuously increasing demand worldwide, due to their valuable nutrients. Constant consumer demand for the production of high nutritional value products encourages practices of fraud in manufactured products which in recent years have been expanded, due to a lack of adequate quality control systems. Consequently, the quality control of edible olives and olive oil as well as the traceability of their origin are the main keys to ensuring the quality of the above products. Τhe present research proposal aims firstly to the traceability of Greek olive varieties, in order to certify the origin of the final products and, secondly, to the development and application of modern analytical techniques in order to ensure the quality of edible olives (using an alkaline solution or treatment with brine) and the documentation of the health claim for oils that meet the criteria of the EFSA, with aim the protection of consumers from false or misleading labels in olive products and olive oil. At the same time, efforts will be made to develop certified methodologies to ensure the quality of PDO and PGI olive oil from attempts of fraud, through the traceability of Greek olive varieties and their geographical origin. For the successful realization of the project two companies, with a significant activity in the production, marketing and promotion of olive products will cooperate as well as five research institutions, with proven experience in the field, of olive oil which will operate as consultants and will carry out specific research tasks of the present proposal. The expected results of the proposal relate to the creation and installation of a reliable private quality assurance protocol aiming both at the quality control of olive products and in securing the consumer against fraud. Given that for the Greek economy the agri-food sector is or must be the crown of growth and productive reconstruction of our country, it is more than necessary for Greece to invest in the quality of its agricultural products.
Funding Body: Co‐financed by the European Regional Development Fund of the European Union and Greek national funds through the Operational Program Competitiveness, Entrepreneurship and Innovation, under the call RESEARCH – CREATE - INNOVATE
Project duration: 07/2018 - 12/2021
Contact: Panagiotis Madesis
Tel: +30 2310257531
Legumes4Protein - Legumes
Legumes4Proteins proposes, adopts and implements a holistic approach of the production of leguminous legumes in combination with their use in animal nutrition in order to replace soybeans. The project plan includes exploitation and evaluation of genetic material, collection of lupine populations from regions of Greece and their comparative evaluation with commercial varieties. This material will be used by the Genetic Material Bank of ELGO Demeter. At the same time, a plan for the improvement of the other legumes, developed by AGROLAND, will be implemented, in comparison with varieties kept by IB & KF of ELGO Demeter. The genetic variation of all plant materials will be evaluated with molecular markers. Additionally, through a transcriptional and metabolic analysis, an attempt will be made to understand the mechanisms of control of the anti-nutrient elements of the varieties under examination. All varieties which will be elaborated as part of the project as well as the commercial varieties of lupine will be evaluated in three different soil-climatic environments (Attica, Thessaly, Thessaloniki) in conventional and low-input cultivation and their productivity and quality will be assessed in terms of their adaptability, through agronomic, morphological and physiological parameters. The nutritional value (structural carbohydrate content, digestibility and anti-nutrient content) will be assessed for all plant materials. At the same time, pilot fields will be installed in Thessaly, which will be managed in accordance with local farming practices and will be optimized according to the principles of Integrated Production Management. In this context, a system for identifying needs for authorized pesticides in crops will also be developed and a full technical and economic analysis will be undertaken. Finally, novel rations where soybean will have been replaced by legumes will be produced by AGROLAND, which will be fed to sheep and the production and quality of the milk will be evaluated. The main expected results of the project concern the production of alternative feeds from fodder legumes produced on the basis of standard cultivation guides. The seeds for this production will be molecularly identified and the result of a study of their nutritional value, anti-nutritional factors and their adaptability to Greek conditions (in different environments). These results will be supported by a report on the conditions for the integrated development of the sheep industry as a result of the use of these feeds. The economic exploitation of the results will be immediate and will involve the possibility of producing feedstuff directly available to sheep farmers, but also the possibility of growing large-scale fodder legumes, as these will be accompanied by appropriate pesticides.
Funding Body: Co‐financed by the European Regional Development Fund of the European Union and Greek national funds through the Operational Program Competitiveness, Entrepreneurship and Innovation, under the call RESEARCH – CREATE - INNOVATE
Project duration: 07/2018 - 12/2021
Official project's website:
Contact: Panagiotis Madesis
Tel: +30 2310257531
mast4trees - Strengthening the cultivation of mastic trees with promoter the use of innovative
molecular methods
The project aims at enhancing the cultivation of mastic trees for mastic gum production, located in the southern part of the island of Chios, with new elements using innovative molecular methods. The mastic gum is mainly harvested from male trees after mechanical wounding ("kentima") of the bark of the trunk. In 65 productive mastic trees (from the cultivated varieties Mavroschinos, Maroulitis, Votomos and Platyfyllos), which from a previous survey were localized using GPS, their mastic gum production will be counted followed by analysis of their composition with the aid of GC-MS and LC-MS, while the genetic identification of these mastic trees will be conducted by using the molecular markets ITS1 and ITS2, ISSR and EST-SSRs in order to select the best male and female trees. Then, the sexual propagation (seed) will be studied and also the propagation by tissue culture, using as explants young seedlings derived from seed germination in vitro. At the same time, the soil-borned pathogens that affect mastic trees will be identified, the tolerance of young seedlings to them will be determined, and efforts will be made to find molecular markers capable of revealing plant resistance to these soil pathogens. Since, the seed is of great interest for mass production of mastic trees (as long as they are male because they produce more and of better quality mastic gum), ways to diagnose the sex of the seedlings from the early stage of development will be investigated. For the diagnosis of the sex of young seedlings, it will be evaluated the use of appropriate molecular markers (ISSR and SCAR), alternative molecular methods (RAD molecular markers), measurements with gas and liquid chromatography of the leaf content for various substances that may vary in relation to plant sex, as well as appropriate biochemical and phenotypic markers. Also, the molecular mechanism of biosynthesis and secretion of the mastic gum after mechanical wounding ("kentima") of the mastic tree trunk will be investigated. For this purpose, a differential analysis of genes’ expression (DEG analysis) will be conducted before and after the mechanical wounding of the mastic tree trunk and after next generation RNA sequencing. As the mastic gum with the various substances that contains strongly attracts the interest of the pharmaceutical industry, bio-markers linked to the mastic gum content for substances with antidiabetic and antibacterial activity (anti-H. pylori) will be sought. Thus, isolation and functional characterization of genes related to the biosynthesis of the bioactive molecules of the mastic gum will be performed and then an assessment will follow for the ability of using these genes as molecular markers associated with the mastic gum content in active molecules. Finally, by exploiting the findings of the project's research, male mastic tree seedlings will be produced from seeds of the most productive clones and also crosses will be made among the selected clones to obtain F1 hybrids followed by their genetic identification in order to be used for future genetic improvement of the mastic tree. In addition, the cost of sex diagnosis and the cost of production per plant will be calculated, patents will be sought for the use of the molecular markers developed in the project and dissemination - publicity of the results of this project will be undertaken in order to promote the expansion of the cultivation in other areas of Chios, as well as in the country, with certified and productive plant propagation material.
Funding Body: Co‐financed by the European Regional Development Fund of the European Union and Greek national funds through the Operational Program Competitiveness, Entrepreneurship and Innovation, under the call RESEARCH – CREATE - INNOVATE
Project duration: 07/2018 - 07/2022
Official project's website:
Contact: Panagiotis Madesis
Tel: +30 2310257531
Med Food TTHubs - Trace & Trust Hubs for MED food
Even though Mediterranean food products are generally recognized for their high nutritional and sensorial value, there is a lack of trust concerning the origin of raw materials (eg. fruits, vegetables, livestock, fish) and the quality of the processes starting from cultivation and breeding untill packaging and transport , . This lack of trust poses obstacles to the sustainability and competitiveness of small and medium agro-enterprises (SMAEs) into local and global value chains (LVCs and GVCs). The major drivers of changes in the field of Mediterranean food products trade are the consumers themselves at international level, given the fact that their knowledge and awareness lead to the increasing demand for high quality food products with proven origin and documented quality. The markets around the world are adapting to these novel needs and the food producers must also be adapted in order to be part of a supply chain where chain of custody is a critical factor. The solution that Med Food TTHubs brings is geared to achieve, over a 36-month work plan:
• Safer and more sustainable Mediterranean food products for people around the world,
• Full transparency concerning the traceability and authenticity of these products towards the creation of an end-to-end trust-chain in the food sector.
Funding Body: PRIMA – Partnership for Research and Innovation in the Mediterranean Area
Project duration: 04/2020 - 03/2023
Official project's website:
Contact: Panagiotis Madesis
Tel: +30 2310257531
MedSUSHI - Exploitation of the edible algae Dictyopteris membranacea and Laurencia obtusa in the Mediterranean cuisine as a functional food and nutritional supplement
For centuries algae have traditionally been used as food in the Far East. With population mobility and the internationalization of gastronomy, their use has expanded worldwide. In our country the consumption of algae has traditionally been consumed as "salads of the sea" by populations living on the coast. Many times their consumption is interwoven with beneficial health effects, in addition to the special flavors they contribute to local cuisine. However, their use has remained at a local level, as the quantities collected from the sea are small. Many of the species of macroalgae which are edible are also used by the pharmaceutical and cosmetics industry. A number of bioactive substances produced by macro-algae have been characterized for their beneficial effects as powerful anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and antioxidant active ingredients. The project aims at the further development and exploitation of two edible algae in our country, the Dictyopteris membranacea and the Laurencia obtusa found on the Ionian Islands. By applying unified cross-thematic approaches, we will generate innovative knowledge about their metabolism, bioactivity analysis, genetics, culture, quality analysis, standardization and product designation. The research proposal includes the following actions:
• In-depth characterization of the metabolites produced by the two species, after harvesting from selected locations. Development of fast and sensitive analytical protocols for the detection and quantification of metabolites of interest.
• Development of cultivation protocols and life-cycle study of the two species. In the case of Dictyopteris, emphasis will be placed on the development of open-field cultivation protocol, whereas for L. obtusa further life cycle study is required
• Genetic and biochemical characterization of the two species. Recognition of additional molecular markers that allow identification of cultivated material
• Metagenomic analysis of algae microbiome and its correlation with bioactive substance production indices and safety indicators
• Analysis of the qualitative and flavor characteristics of harvested and cultivated material. Tasting studies and tasteful consumer research. Developing new ones and highlighting traditional gastronomic recipes
• Bioactivity studies of extracts as anti-inflammatory agents and evaluation in animal models of inflammation and biochemical characterization to identify biomarkers of choice
• Study of the effect of algae diet and dietary supplements on the gastrointestinal microbial system
• Product development and standardization: outdoor cultivation, quality control and preparation of standard formulations of nutritional supplements and standard extracts for use in cosmetics
• Organizing a certification dossier as a food
Funding Body: Co‐financed by the European Regional Development Fund of the European Union and Greek national funds through the Operational Program Competitiveness, Entrepreneurship and Innovation, under the call RESEARCH – CREATE - INNOVATE
Project duration: 07/2018-07/2022
Official project's website:
Contact: Antonis Makris
Tel: +30 2310257541
Niarxos - Restoration of genetic purity and improved local populations of "giant" and "elephant" beans in the Prespa area of Florina
The aim of the research project is to restore the genetic purity and improve the local population of beans "giants" Prespa Florina and the local population of beans "elephants" Prespa Florina so that the new populations (varieties) of the resulting populations will have all the characteristics of of the region, improved in the appearance of their seeds (color, shape, size) to be such that is sought after by the market and improved in their productivity in fruit.
Funding Body: Agricultural Cooperative of Prespa National Park - Pelican
Project duration: 07/2018 - 12/2019
Contact: Panagiotis Madesis
Tel: +30 2310257531
Plant.ID - Molecular Identification of Plants
Plants are essential for many aspects of our daily lives as they provide food, medicines, and construction materials. Plants also affect us negatively through pollen and resulting allergies, poisonous species in gardens and pastures and as adulterants in herbal medicines, and as invasive aliens in marine, freshwater and terrestrial environments. Understanding and valorising botanical biodiversity requires accurate, modern and rapid assessment approaches. Plant diversity worldwide is under threat from destruction of natural habitats due to human population growth related consequences as well as climate change impacts on sensitive ecosystems. It is in our capacity to study, map and describe this diversity, and plant systematics and taxonomy has suffered from a loss of research and institutional funds as research has become more competitive and taxonomy was considered too descriptive to compete with emerging fundamental research. In taxonomy, a point has been reached where more and more taxonomists are working from retirement, and knowledge is lost when experts retire without transmitting their experience-gained knowledge to a younger generation. Natural History Museums and Botanic Gardens risk becoming barren repositories of past diversity and associated knowledge.
Funding Body: EC - ΗORIZON 2020, Marie Skłodowska-Curie Innovative Training Networks (ITN/ETN)
Project duration: 01/2018 - 12/2021
Official project's website:
Contact: Panagiotis Madesis
Tel: +30 2310257531
PROTEIN - PeRsOnalized nutriTion for hEalthy livINg
PROTEIN is a research initiative led by a consortium of European public- and private-sector organizations working to promote health and wellbeing. By bringing together experts from across Europe, PROTEIN will develop tools using the latest communications technologies and machine learning strategies to provide personalized nutrition and physical activity support to EU citizens. PROTEIN has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation programme under grant agreement No 817732. The overall objective of the PROTEIN research project is to promote healthy lifestyles in order to improve the general state of health of the European population, using the latest technologies to offer advanced personalization tools for nutrition and physical activity plans.The project's goals are to :1.Apply the latest information and communications technologies to the field of health promotion and chronic disease prevention 2. Personalize healthy eating and physical activity advice based on scientific evidence in the area of nutrition, physical activity, and chronic disease prevention and management 3. Generate customized nutrition and physical activity plans for end users, with special attention to individuals at risk for chronic diseases and 4.Create and engage a community of public members, businesses, and governments in the prevention of chronic diseases through healthy eating and physical activity strategies
Funding Body: EC - ΗORIZON 2020
Project duration: 12/2018-05/2022
Official project's website:
Contact: Anagnostis Argyriou
Tel: +30 2310498475
SmartBeeKeep - Development of a smart tool for the viable management of beekeeping activities
The project SmartBeeKeep aims to capitalize on the latest advances in Information and Communication Technologies in beekeeping and biodiversity studies by proposing an innovative platform that will facilitate beekeeping activity and research in Greece and internationally. The main objectives are: (a) to provide tools for participatory mapping of beekeeping flora and a study of local biodiversity (for selected plant species, the approximate estimation of flowering time at an early stage will also be explored), (b) providing new innovative services to beekeeping community (Beekeepers, laboratories analysing bee products and beekeeping researchers); and (c) evaluation of applications through pilot application in two study areas of the Prefecture of Thessaloniki, to demonstrate that local biodiversity in combination with 'smart' beekeeping can lead to high added-value products (production increase, quality optimization)and to savings in management and production.
The ambition of the consortium is to exploit the platform through a low-cost subscription service that intelligently manages a multitude of data, providing significant benefits to its users and contributing significantly to biodiversity studies. In addition, the creation of an innovative e-shop that draws data from the platform and is the first step in establishing a new way of 'linking' producers to end-consumers (without any intermediaries) to give the final consumer the opportunity to finance and participate actively at all stages in the production of a specific bee product (e-beekeeping).
Funding Body: Co‐financed by the European Regional Development Fund of the European Union and Greek national funds through the Operational Program Competitiveness, Entrepreneurship and Innovation, under the call RESEARCH – CREATE - INNOVATE
Project duration: 06/2020 - 12/2022
Official project's website:
Contact: Panagiotis Madesis
Tel: +30 2310257531
Provision of cultivation services on the farm of KETHEA ITHAKI.
Project duration: 07/2019 - 10/2020
Contact: Panagiotis Madesis
Tel: +30 2310257531
MISSIRIAN S.A. - Increase of 10% of the gain of basmas variety tobacco
The project includes the traditional breeding of east type basmas tobacco in reagrds to the yield of the variety. The use of molecular markers will assist the breeding procedure.
Funding Body: Missirian S.A.
Project duration: 05/2013 - 12/2021
Contact: Panagiotis Madesis
Tel: +30 2310257531
Naxos Potato
In the frame of this project, metabolomic profile analysis of Naxos' potato will be performed, along with transcriptomics and metagenomics in order to identify the key elements that contribute to its unique quality.
Funding Body: Union of Agricultural Cooperatives of Naxos (Agricultural Company S.A.)
Project duration: 05/2021 - 05/2023
Contact: Panagiotis Madesis
Tel: +30 2310257531
A.S. PELEKANOS - Restoration of genetic purity and improved local populations of "giant" and "elephant" beans in the Prespa area of Florina
Careful collection of seeds of the local populations of "giants" and "elephants" will be done by traditional and diligent growers of the area. From the genetic material that will be collected, two experimental fields of selection and observation will be installed in the area. Experimental fields will be isolated from other crops to avoid accidental crossbreeding. The improvement works will eventually create two new populations (varieties), which will have the characteristics of the old local populations of the area, improved in terms of the appearance of their seeds, and improved in terms of their productivity.
Funding Body: Agricultural Cooperative of Prespa National Park - Pelican
Project duration: 06/2016 - 12/2018
Contact: Panagiotis Madesis
Tel: +30 2310257531
Sesamothisis - Opens sesame: Omics technologies as a versatile tool for refoulement of sesame cultivation
The small seed of the flowering plant "Sesamum indicum" has attracted for long time the public interest, thanks to its many and significant beneficial effects on the human health. The beneficial properties of this tiny seed were also known in ancient Greece, where sesame extracts were used as herbal ingredients to combat hypertension and drug production. Hippocrates had described it as one of the best products for human health. Sesame is a particularly rich source of protein, oil, vitamins and trace elements. Sesame and its derivatives are considered to be products of high nutritional value, both for their high quality oil and for high-value protein. Sesame oil demonstrates remarkable oxidation stability with respect to other oils, mainly due to the presence of substances with antioxidant properties. What makes sesame so special is the fact that it is a vegetable protein with high biological value (18-25%), While it is rich in vitamins (B1, B2, E, niacin), which are necessary for the nervous system. Sesame proteins are rich in sulfur-containing amino acids (methionine, arginine, leucine, tryptophan), which when combined with lysine-containing foods, becomes of higher nutritional value, and contribute to the good health of many organs, such as liver and kidneys. According to international estimates, while demand has recently increased by about 6%, the increase in production in the same space is close to 4% so we have to increase production. Today, 705 different sesame varieties have been sequenced in China where nucleotide differences have been recorded, 56 agronomic features have been investigated in 4 different environments, identifying 549 linked genomic regions. Analytical screening of major gene domains identified 46 candidate genes, including genes related to oil content, fatty acid biosynthesis and yield. Of great importance in the successful cultivation of the plant is the architecture of the plant which is vital for yield and is determined by the height of plants (Y) and other characteristics. Sesame has a lower yield compared to other cultivated plants due to high height, low harvest index, and susceptibility to biotic and abiotic factors. Therefore, new dwarf or semi-sown sesame varieties should be explored, as was the case with the "Green Revolution", which is characterized by the cultivation of semi-dwarf or dwarf varieties of wheat and rice in order to achieve an increased harvest index and improved adaptation with regard to the irrigated and fertile environments, usually occupied by higher plants. The major drawback of sesame cropping is the cracking of the fruit and the release of seed at maturity which results in high production costs and high seed losses. The aim of the proposal is to reinstall the cultivation of sesame in Greece, the repatriation of Greek varieties, the application of new omics technologies to understand the molecular mechanisms that control the main biosynthetic pathways and the resistance to dry-heat conditions, the increase of employment and the development of the economy through the creation of new varieties and new products.
Funding Body: Co‐financed by the European Regional Development Fund of the European Union and Greek national funds through the Operational Program Competitiveness, Entrepreneurship and Innovation, under the call RESEARCH – CREATE - INNOVATE
Project duration: 03/2020 - 07/2022
Official project's website:
Contact: Panagiotis Madesis
Tel: +30 2310257531
AntiFoul - Applying novel biotechnological tools to utilize compounds isolated from the red algae S. coronopifolius as eco-friendly Antifouling Agent
Biofouling is the undesirable growth of living organisms (bacteria, algae, mollusks, etc) on structures submerged in water which causes serious problems for the aquaculture and maritime industries. A number of physical and chemical technologies have been applied in antifouling (AF) paints, the most effective of them being the use of tributyltin oxide (TBTO) coatings. However, due to toxicity caused by TBTO and heavy metals, in September 2008, the International Maritime Organization (IMO) banned the use of self-polishing TBTO coatings, while there is increasing opposition to the use of copper. Preventing the settlement of fouling organisms in a non-toxic manner would be the ideal solution. To this end, there has been a multitude of physical, chemical and biomimetic approaches. Likely, a successful method for prevention of antifouling will need to combine all approaches. Over the past few years several marine metabolites were characterized for their eco-friendly antifouling potential. Among them, the halogenated diterpene bromosphaerol, isolated by our group from the red alga Sphaerococcus coronopifolius, has exhibited strong inhibition of barnacles settlement. Currently, the major hurdle of the use of marine metabolites is the limited available quantities.
To address this limitation, our consortium will approach bromosphaerol biosynthesis in an interdisciplinary manner utilizing all available new tools in biotechnology, genomics, bioinformatics, biochemical and chemical analysis and in-vivo assays. In preliminary work, we have applied Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) to identify several thousand of expressed genes from S. coronopifolius, including candidate terpenoid biosynthetic genes. In the current project we will expand the NGS approach in additional fresh material, analyze bioinformatically the expressed genes to quantify expression levels, isolate candidate biosynthetic genes, perform enzymatic analysis and metabolic modeling and flux analysis, reconstitute the biosynthetic pathway in heterologous species, refine the chemical analysis tools to identify compounds from tiny amounts of algal material and evaluate its settlement inhibitory activity on other fouling organisms besides barnacles.
Funding Body: SEE-ERA NET
Project duration: 10/2017 - 04/2022
Contact: Antonis Makris
Tel: +30 2310257541
BBTWINS - Digital Twins for the optimization of agrifood value chain processes and the supply of quality biomass for bio-processing operations
As the demand for food increases – and the need for EU food security grows – the agri-food sector is under increasing pressure. Food production systems need to become more efficient and productive, delivering nutritional, healthy food in greater quantities while at the same time addressing growing public demand to minimize any environmental impacts. The solution to this challenge will in part be found through the deployment of digital solutions. The BBTWINS project will develop and validate a digital platform based on so-called ‘digital twin’ technology; this is a real-time digital replica of a physical process that can be examined, altered and tested without it interacting with it in the real world and avoiding negative consequences. Using two use cases – meat and fruit production – it will demonstrate how to integrate, in a single value chain, both the entire agri-food value chain (from crop to final product) and the feedstocks generated at all steps. This digital twin approach will combine state of the art digital technologies, including Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning, the Internet of Things (IoT) and software analytics in a single platform. This platform will be able to predict the optimal pre-treatment and pathway for each feedstock under varying conditions. In so doing, it will increase the biomass available, reduce biomass losses and increase biomass storage times without impacting quality.
Funding Body: EC - ΗORIZON 2020
Project duration: 16/07/2021-28/02/2025
Official project's website:
Contact: Anagnostis Argyriou
Tel: +30 2310498475
CheeseArt - Improvement of the added value and competitiveness of the Greek artisanal cheeses by exploiting the multi-omics approach and bioinformatics tools
Microorganisms and especially lactic acid bacteria play a major role in the maturation of Greek artisanal cheeses (CheeseArt). They comprise the key players to the development of the organoleptic characteristics of those products such as flavor (taste and aroma) and texture. Implementation and control of the cheese microbial flora during production can, therefore, offer the producer a tool to develop products with special and unique features potentially destined for specific markets. This project aims to determine the effect of various microorganisms in the flavor (taste and aroma) and texture of Greek artisanal cheeses intending to isolation and identification of microbial strains with beneficial technological features, which can further be exploited by the food industry. It is well established the critical role of these bacteria, which are frequently used in the production of cheese as starter cultures. The possibility to direct the flavor development in the Greek artisanal cheeses, by the application of these microorganisms, can offer the food industry a significant competitive advantage to respond successfully to the increasing and changing demands and desires of the consumers. This project will make use of innovative biotechnological/molecular approaches/technologies such as metagenomics, metatranscriptomics, and metametabolomics, as well as bioinformatic tools for the in-depth investigation of the strains isolated and identified. A bank of microbial strains will be created within the project with potential application as a starter or starter adjunct. From this bank of strains, new strains will be identified with proven ability to improve performance and enhance the organoleptic characteristics of the final products. This will be achieved through the Whole Genome Sequencing of the most significant strains. Genes, metabolic pathways, and metabolic products with a potential effect on the cheese flavor development will be identified. Finally, Genome-scale Metabolic Models will be developed, which can later be used to investigate the genetic manipulation of these bacteria by blocking, for example, specific genes (gene knockout), to enhance metabolic pathways (metabolic engineering) and subsequently the production of specific metabolic products. The successful completion of the project will create opportunities for the food industry for the manufacture of cheeses with improved and unique features. This will enable the industry to be more innovative, competitive and to explore new markets as well.
Funding Body: Co‐financed by the European Regional Development Fund of the European Union and Greek national funds through the Operational Program Competitiveness, Entrepreneurship and Innovation, under the call RESEARCH – CREATE - INNOVATE
Project duration: 10/2018 - 04/2022
Contact: Anagnostis Argyriou
Tel: +30 2310498475
EpiMilk - Development of an integrated system for the management and traceability of the entire value chain of dairy products from goats adapted to themountainous area of Epirus
Breeding of small ruminants is traditionally one of the most important livestock sectors in the region of Epirus that contributes greatly to the economic development and promotion of the region. In particular, the mountainous / semi-mountainous areas of Epirus, which are often characterized as disadvantaged, on the one hand depend exclusively on livestock for their sustainability; on the other hand can only be exploited by ruminant species that have been adapted to the particular geomorphology of the region. The EpiMIilk project has as a priority the improvement of milk production (quality and quantity of milk) of the population in total, in order to create new goat dairy products with milk organoleptic characteristics of high acceptance, starting from bottled milk produced from a standard, vertical unit in a historic area Ioannina. The incorporation of good practices throughout the production chain, combined with strategies for the promotion and distribution of dairy products, will highlight their advantages, making them innovative and competitive against others. With the aim to render the farm vertical in the context of dairy product production, raw milk and dairy products (goat cheese) will be analyzed using, genetic, and biochemical methodologies to assign an identity to them which will accompany each product to the shelf and will ensure both the farm and the consumer for the quality and product safety of the respective products. In addition, by applying reproduction management practices in the population, constant milk production throughout the year will be feasible, hence stable production of dairy products will be offered to consumers, regardless of the reproductive seasonality of the goats. With the completion of the project, through the control of reproductive breeding schemes, together with the identification of the genetic background of goats, animal nuclei will be created, which will ensure the constant quality and quantity of the raw material for the production of dairy products. The results of the project are expected to remodel livestock farms in the region of Epirus in order to create targeted programs for genetic improvement and verticalization of livestock farms, adapted to the specifics of each farm.
Funding Body: Operational Programme Region of Epirus
Project duration: 08/2018 - 06/2022
Contact: Anagnostis Argyriou
Tel: +30 2310498475
ExoPeach2Ηealth - Novel plant protection approaches and application of -omics technologies for optimization of integrated management of peach leaf curl disease
Leaf curl is one of the most important fungal diseases of peach. The disease has been particularly pronounced in recent years in Greece, causing extensive damage characterized by hyperplasia of the host organs. In addition to its economic significance, this pathosystem is a promising system of study of the induced defense reactions of tree crops against pathogenic fungi.
The ExoPeach2Ηealth proposal aims to implement new plant protection approaches to improve the quality of peach products by developing a holistic approach towards early diagnosis, disease control and knowledge of the pathogenesis of the causal agents of leaf curl disease in the main peach crop area in Greece.The use of innovative -omics technologies to optimize the integrated management of the disease is an important approach of ExoPeach2Ηealth.
The outputs of the project will undoubtedly fill the overall coverage of a major gap in the study of leaf curl disease in our country. The study of pathogenic agents in order to optimize integrated disease management practices will increase the employment and the income of farmers, leading to the production of a superior product capable of exporting.
ExoPeach2Ηealth will provide the opportunity to create an invaluable link between the dynamic industrial partner of this proposal and the research community regarding the peach leaf curl disease. Systematic study of the epidemiology, the pathogen population diversity, the valid, early and accurate molecular detection would undoubtedly have significant benefits in the efforts of integrated management of the disease. The evaluation of novel management programs will allow the usage of eco-friendly fungicides, avoiding any possible occurrence of pathogens resistance. Finally, the investigation of the genetic mechanisms conferring varieties tolerance against this disease by employing -omics technologies and molecular functional markers would contribute to the creation of superior pre-breeding material.
The research partners involved in this project have a long time experience in their expert-field, ensuring that the project will have high quality, robust and exploitable results.
Funding Body: Co‐financed by the European Regional Development Fund of the European Union and Greek national funds through the Operational Program Competitiveness, Entrepreneurship and Innovation, under the call RESEARCH – CREATE - INNOVATE
Project duration: 06/2021 - 11/2023
Contact: Panagiotis Madesis
Tel: +30 2310257531
Glyc2BioD - Valorization of raw glycerin from biodiesel industry by-product streams for production of 2nd generation biodiesel and protein supplements for fodders through novel biotechnological approaches
Crude glycerin is the main by-product/waste stream produced during the production of 1st generation biodiesel through the conventional technology of transesterification of vegetable oils. However, with the increase in global biodiesel production, the market price for crude glycerol has crashed; thus research is being conducted globally to develop innovative technologies for management and valorization of this liquid by-product/waste stream. At the same time, the European Union, aiming to decrease the effects of biofuel production to food availability, has issued the 2015/1513 Directive, that promotes 2nd generation biofuels, i.e. biofuels that are produced by using no-edible raw materials. The main objective of the projectGLYC2BIOD is to develop a technically and economically viable process to valorize crude glycerin through novel biotechnological methods to produce bio-lipids, which can be used as raw material for 2nd generation biodiesel production, and a protein-rich fodder supplement. The main biotechnological process comprises the use of oleaginous microorganisms (e.g. Yarrowia lipolytica) that produce and accumulate significant quantities of bio-lipids within their cells, whereas at the same time they can use crude glycerin as substrate for their growth. The efficiency of bio-lipids production will be enhanced through manipulating their metabolic profiles with advanced genetic engineering methods, and cultivation under specific conditions in novel membrane bioreactors, integrating microorganism’s cultivation and separation in one process stage. Bio-lipids will be recovered and used as raw material for 2nd generation biodiesel, which will be assessed based on the current quality specifications. Furthermore, given that Yarrowia lipolytica and its fermentation products are Generally Recognized as Safe - GRAS by the American Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the solid residue, after bio-lipids recovery, will be assessed as a protein-rich fodder supplement, that can substitute part of the current protein sources (imported soymeal) of fodders. GLYC2BIOD project is an interdisciplinary project, which has a duration of three years, with a total budget of €775,408.06, that involves 6 project partners in total: three R&D organization (NRRE / CPERI|CERTH, INAB|CERTH, VRI|HAO) with important scientific and technological achievements, and three vegetable oils and biodiesel companies (FITOENERGEIA S.A, EKSELIGMENA VIOKAUSIMA P.C., VIODIESEL L.T.D.) which are actively involved in the challenges of valorization of crude glycerin and developing 2nd generation biofuels. To respond to these challenges, an integrated Work Plan has been developed, structured around the main objectives of the project. It includes nine Work Packages with industrial research and experimental development activities, which extend from research to laboratory environment for development of specific elements process (TRL 3-4) to validation of the technology and product evaluation in the relevant environment (TRL 5-6), through demonstrative pilot operation and trial testing. Moreover, attention has been given to the protection and exploitation of the project results through innovation support actions (e.g. patent awards etc.). The project results are expected to lead to a positive environmental impact through the valorization of waste streams (Circular Economy concept) and potential economic revenues to the biodiesel production industries.
Funding Body: Co‐financed by the European Regional Development Fund of the European Union and Greek national funds through the Operational Program Competitiveness, Entrepreneurship and Innovation, under the call RESEARCH – CREATE - INNOVATE
Project duration: 07/2018 - 09/2022
Contact: Antonis Makris
Tel: +30 2310257541
GrWheat - Evaluation and promotion of wheat varieties for the production of new milling products with high nutritional value
The project aims at linking agricultural production to the food industry with the ultimate goal of producing high quality, high quality food products, highlighting and exploiting the wheat varieties adapted to our country. The project is being implemented by three research organizations, the Hellenic Agricultural Organization DIMITRA - Institute of Genetic Breeding and Plant Resources, the Aegean University (AE) and the National Center for Research and Technologicy Hellas / Institute of Applied Biosciences (CERTH / INEB), the mills of Chalkidiki) and an agricultural enterprise (Harenis).
Methodologically, the proposal is organized in four working units. It begins with genetic characterization of wheat varieties, by applying genomic techniques to assess their genetic potential and integrate into breeding programs. At the same time, appropriate areas to cultivate the varieties, their productivity, resistance to biotic and abiotic stresses and the nutritional value of each variety are assessed. Going one step further, will be
produced flour and mixtures, assess their nutritional value with a mix of analyzes, and test for their in vitro and in vivo nutritional value. Overall, the project aims to create and strengthen a value chain of Greek wheat produced by local industries to produce quality products with high added value.
Funding Body: Co‐financed by the European Regional Development Fund of the European Union and Greek national funds through the Operational Program Competitiveness, Entrepreneurship and Innovation, under the call RESEARCH – CREATE - INNOVATE
Project duration: 09/2020-03/2023
Contact: Anagnostis Argyriou
Tel: +30 2310498475
iFUNFoods - Innovative Functional Foods: Development, Production, Charactirization, Properties
Nowadays, there is a growing interest in developing novel foods containing probiotic microorganisms. Probiotics are commonly defined as viable microorganisms which, when administered in adequate amounts, confer a health benefit on the host. Most probiotic microorganisms belong to the genus Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium and are used for the production of fermented milk products. Probiotics should be able to survive the acidic conditions of the upper gastro-intestinal (GI) tract, be resistant to bile salts and proliferate and colonize in the gut. To induce the health effects, probiotics need to contain an adequate amount of live bacteria (at least 107cfu/g), in order to assure a daily intake of 109 probiotic cells, a requirement that is not always fulfilled. However, for certain strains, a lower concentration maybe adequate. As a consequence, the daily suggested dose can be achieved by administration of 100g of a food product containing 107 cfu/g probiotic cells.A properly designed strategy for incorporation of probiotics into foods is a key factor for maintaining such high concentration, especially at the moment of consumption. Even if a high content of probiotic cells is technological feasible, the cells should remain viable during the product’s shelf-life. This requirement constitutes the main reason that the commercially available probiotic foods are restricted to refrigerated products. It has been established that cell immobilization enhances the viability of cultures. Cell immobilization on prebiotic supports and the use of the immobilized cells constitutes a challenge for food industry today. In this context, iFUNFoods project aims at the production of innovative foods with immobilized lactic acid bacteria (LAB) cultures on natural prebiotic supports (dried nuts, cereals, fruits, etc) and study of their potential health effects on humans.
Funding Body: Co‐financed by the European Regional Development Fund of the European Union and Greek national funds through the Operational Program Competitiveness, Entrepreneurship and Innovation, under the call RESEARCH – CREATE - INNOVATE
Project duration: 09/2018 - 03/2023
Official project's website:
Contact: Anagnostis Argyriou
Tel: +30 2310498475 - LED artificial lighting application to reduce production cost of high quality watermelon grafted seedlings
The aim of the present proposal is the use of LED lamps during the production process of high quality grafted watermelon seedlings in order to achieve a reduction of the production cost through lower energy consumption, decrease in the duration of the three phases of a production cycle (seedlings to-be-grafted cultivated in a greenhouse, grafted seedlings healing in a growth chamber, grafted seedlings cultivated in a greenhouse) and increase of the successfully grafted seedlings. Nowadays, during the production process fluorescent lamps are used as artificial light source in the healing chamber, while high-pressure sodium lamps are used when necessary in the greenhouse. LED lamps have advantages over the conventional light sources used in the energetic and photosynthetic efficiency, the minimal thermal emission, as well as the greater operating life. For the achievement of the project’s objectives, LED lamps with different radiation spectra will be tested in all three phases of the production cycle. In order for the evaluation of the LED lamps to be successful and for a suitable LED lamp to be selected in each phase, objective criteria will be used for the classification of seedlings according to their quality. This will be followed by an assessment of various parameters (density, duration etc.) affecting the efficiency of LED lamps for the purpose of improving their application. The study of LED lamps effect on genetic level will contribute to the achievement of the abovementioned goal. Due to the great importance of propagating material for horticultural crops, a full agronomical evaluation of grafted watermelon seedlings that were produced with the application of LED lamps will be conducted, while a quantitative and qualitative assessment of watermelon fruits will also be applied. Moreover, a full economic analysis of the application of LED light technology on the production process of grafted watermelon seedlings will be conducted, not only for the company and the final grower (producer), but also on national economy level with salience of environmental/social benefits from their use. Following, the production protocol will be designed with regard to the production cost reduction at the same time with the production of high quality grafted watermelon seedlings. Finally, the proposed production process will be applied as a pilot program under actual mass production conditions. The above process will be submitted for patent of invention, while the dissemination of the project’s results will be ensured by the creation of a webpage, the organization of a workshop and the publications in international journals, in proceedings of international and national conferences, as well as in popularized articles of agricultural sector.
Funding Body: Co‐financed by the European Regional Development Fund of the European Union and Greek national funds through the Operational Program Competitiveness, Entrepreneurship and Innovation, under the call RESEARCH – CREATE - INNOVATE
Project duration: 07/2018 - 01/2022
Official project's website:
Contact: Anagnostis Argyriou
Tel: +30 2310498475
LENSBREED - Evaluation and breeding of lentil landraces and cultivars for special agronomic, physiological and quality traits
Lentil (Lens culinaris Medik.) is a traditional and very important crop in Greece. The dietary value of lentil is gaining recognition, while a remarkable shift of consumers is attributed to its high nutritional and culinary value. The choice of the suitable cultivar is among the major reasons of high yield and quality. Nowadays, commercial cultivars are mainly cultivated, whereas there is a significant number of lentil landraces with special agronomic, physiological and quality traits. However, a lot of commercial varieties grown for years show significant phenotypic variation, while lentil landraces remain unexploited. The soil and the climatic conditions play a key role in the production and quality of the final product, although their interaction with the genotype has yet not been thoroughly explored. The scope of the proposed project includes: a) On farm stewardship of lentil populations with the aim of upgrading initial populations and parallel selection for the development of pure lines, b) Exploration of the genetic variability of the lentil commercial cultivar SAMOS with the goal to achieve genetic purity and its upgrading in terms of certain agronomic, physiological and quality traits, c) Multiplication and evaluation of lentil landrace collections (Hellenic GenBank, Industrial & Fodder Crops Institute) for productivity and quality characteristics for future exploitation in lentil improvement experiments, d) Employment of modern molecular genetics methodologies for the improvement of lentil landraces and varieties for seed qualitative characteristics and e) Determination of locations/areas suitable for high quality and lentil yield according to their special pedo-climatic conditions. The stewardship and breeding of the available genetic material will be carried out through field trials in three locations exploiting the advantages of selecting in the absence of plant-to-plant competition (honeycomb methodology). At the same time, the genetic material will be evaluated for qualitative traits (morphological, physicochemical, organoleptic), while on the selected genotypes from the field experimentation, genomic sequencing technologies will be implemented for targeting specific seed quality characteristics. Locations/areas suitable for lentil cultivation will be identified through the establishment of an extensive multi-location assessment network with field experiments. All treatments will be applied under conventional and organic farming conditions.
Funding Body: Co‐financed by the European Regional Development Fund of the European Union and Greek national funds through the Operational Program Competitiveness, Entrepreneurship and Innovation, under the call RESEARCH – CREATE - INNOVATE
Project duration: 12/2019 - 08/2022
Official project's website:
Contact: Anagnostis Argyriou
Tel: +30 2310498475
Master in Food Identity 2020-2021
The Master Food Identity is a multidisciplinary programme. It trains future experts in the agri-food sector –with an international vision of culture, regulation, market analysis and competences- in food processing, authentication, sensory analysis, quality control, marketing strategy and entrepreneurship. The joint MSc programme is designed to develop both technical and commercial skills through a curriculum focusing on local and traditional food products. It takes place in 4 countries (France, Italy, Romania and Greece). The training combines theory with practical experiences gained through applied work in pilot plants, visits to production sites and to retailers. CERTH/INAB is responsible for Module 2.5, where students are studying Greek traditional value chains and are trained on molecular traceabillity tecgniques.
Funding Body: Ecole Superieure D'Argicultures D΄Angers
Project duration: 01/2021-12/2021
Official project's website:
Contact: Anagnostis Argyriou
Tel: +30 2310498475
MODEL2BIO - Modelling tool for giving value to agri-food residual streams in bio-based industries
Agri-food industry generates nearly 50% of the average composition of global waste in form of organic residual stream. Current management practices for waste management, including landfilling as the worst option, have to be improved to fulfil the targets of the EU. Agri-food residual streams are a potential substitute of fossil-based resources and have an important added value if used as feedstock in for the BBI, but present a high complexity and variables mixture of molecules, which makes difficult its valorisation. For this reason, the integration of a deeper knowledge on composition, logistics and volume of various organic streams could support the decision-making process to maximise profit from a specific feedstock and to select the most appropriate technologies for its optimal valorisation. The main project objective is to develop and validate at a relevant environment, the MODEL2BIO Decision-Support System tool. This will be an innovative concept that using predictive models, will estimate i) the agri-food industry residual streams composition (considering the seasonality, territorial features and origin); ii) the best recommended ways for valorising it. These recommendations will be made under a holistic perspective (technical, economic, environmental and social), with the prioritisation of the valorisation possibilities through technical and economic criteria and the final decision through holistic criteria. This innovative tool is based on the interconnection of three complementary elements: Simulation module, Optimisation algorithm and the LCA module. MODEL2BIO consortium consist on a multidisciplinary team of 11 partners from 5 different countries, covering the whole value chain and containing RTDs, universities, SMEs and clusters, and the active involvement of 27 companies providing residual streams, production process data and validating the MODEL2BIO tool.
Funding Body: EC - ΗORIZON 2020 - Executive Agency Sustainable Resources for Food Security and Growth
Project duration: 08/2020-4/2023
Official project's website:
Contact: Anagnostis Argyriou
Tel: +30 2310498475
Flagship Initiative "Olive Roads"
Olive Roads is the promotion of the cooperation of human resources and infrastructure of Greece, in order to highlight the qualitative characteristics of the Greek varieties and olive oil. Using genomic and advanced diagnostic technologies, it aims to trace, identify, and certify olive varieties and improve the processes of edible olive and olive oil production. In this way, unique national products, such as olive and olive oil, gain added value and a strategic competitive advantage that will help to enhance extroversion.
Specific objectives of the network include the development of Greek countryside, support local producers and ensure consumer protection. At the same time, emphasis is placed on a) plant protection and the fight against important "enemies" of the olive tree, b) holistic sequencing of "Koroneiki" and "Hondrolia Halkidiki" olive genomes, c) genetic characterization of the various Greek olive varieties, d) olive plant protection with modern technologies, as well as a large-scale application of high-resolution techniques for the analysis of olive oil samples and mapping of the ecosystem of olive varieties in different geographical areas of the country. Capitalization of the results in economic and commercial field, includes the registration of a brand name of Greek olive varieties (certification of propagating material - traceability). Phenotypic and genomic characterization, will form the basis for documentation of Greek origin through the creation of a National Database of Greek olive varieties.
The national network includes, research agencies from all over Greece, such as the Hellenic Agricultural Organization DIMITER (HAO-DEMETER), the Agricultural University of Athens, the Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Chania, the University of Crete, Foundation for Research and Technology Hellas (FORTH), the National Center of Research and Technology Hellas (CERTH), the National Kapodistrian University of Athens, the University of Thessaly, the Benaki Phytopathological Institute, the University of Patras, the Helllenic Food Authority (EFET) and the Alexander Fleming Biomedical Sciences Research Center. Scientific coordinator of the program is the Associate Professor Athanasios Molasiotis of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki.
INAB participates in Subproject 1 which deals with: a) the genetic characterization of Greek olive varieties using phenotypic and molecular markers, b) the whole genome sequencing of two emblematic olive varieties named 'Koroneiki' and 'Chondrolia Halkidiki', c) the transcriptional, proteomic, metabolic and post-genomic analysis in the emblematic varieties 'Koroneiki', 'Kalamon', 'Chondroelia Halkidiki' and 'Kolovi' and their connection with important biological phenomena (eg, abiotic stresses and developmental characteristics d) the use of mass sequencing tools and d) bioinformatics analysis for the utilization of data to be obtained from the use of - omic technologies.
Funding Body: General Secretariat of Research and Innovation (GSRI)
Project duration: 08/2020-4/2023
Official project's website:
Contact: Anagnostis Argyriou
Tel: +30 2310498475
Flagship Initiative "Vitis Roads"
The project focuses on the following main areas:
1. Genomic analysis and application of -omic technologies in indigenous vine varieties for the mapping of their genetic identity.
2. Investigation of the wine’s potential for each indigenous vine variety, in order to find the dominant metabolites and organoleptic characters that shape the "typology" of their wines ('varietal' character).
3. The sustainable and effective plant protection of vineyards.
4. The investigation of the native microbiome.
5. The effective management of results that will emerge from the research with the development of a digital database and scientific publications. The actions are expected to contribute to the acquisition of a Greek wine identity for each Greek vitis variety, based on their genetic uniqueness, the possibilities offered by the geographical - environmental conditions of the country in combination with the knowledge to be acquired about the appropriate production techniques (viticultural and winemaking).
Funding Body: General Secretariat of Research and Innovation (GSRI)
Project duration: 04/2019 - 03/2022
Official project's website:
Contact: Anagnostis Argyriou
Tel: +30 2310498475
ORION - Research Infrastructure for the development, improvement and certification of agri-food products and services
The goal of the Cooperative Research Infrastructure (R&D) ORION-CM is to complete and upgrade the infrastructure for conducting research and development as well as specialized and accredited services in the field of agri-food, one of the most important productive sectors of Central Macedonia and the wider area. As part of a strategic partnership between INAB, HIT and ITI, Institutes of CERTH, to strengthen research and its interconnection with local entrepreneurship in the agri-food sector, central, existing, infrastructures in the fields of a) bioanalysis and molecular traceability b ) intelligent transport & logistics and c) digital information management and analysis will be completed. The aim is to expand and upgrade the existing infrastructure of the three Institutes.
Funding Body: Region of Central Macedonia
Project duration: 10/2018 - 06/2023
Contact: Kostas Stamatopoulos
Tel: +30 2310498272
PROGNOSIS - Correlating biotic and abiotic factors for the development of a prognostic model of disease outbreaks in pisciculture farms
The scope of the project is to develop a diseases prognostic model for fish farms using abiotic and biotic environmental data. The project implementation will provide an early warning system tool to the end-users (fish farmers) for upcoming diseases in order to preserve the health and well-being of fish and to protect the production from unnecessary use of drugs.
Funding Body: Operational Programme Fisheries and Maritime
Project duration: 04/2019 - 04/2023
Contact: Anagnostis Argiriou
Tel: +30 2310498475
RENAISSANCE - Agribusiness innovation: A pathway to sustainable economic development
Educated people is an investment and the most efficient instrument for building innovation capacity and achieving sustainable economic growth. The CB area possesses great advantages still remaining largely untapped: agricultural production and the relevant, processing sectors are two of the strongest and most prominent competitive advantage of the CB area. The CB area, being the host of some of the largest Universities and Research Institutions, produces consistently i) a substantial stream of graduates in a steady pace ii) valid and viable innovation techniques. The project proposes the intense training of graduates and post-graduates in innovative agricultural practices and developments, in entrepreneurial skills, through boot camps and accelerations programs and their assistance in setting up start-ups. Furthermore, the project proposes the establishment of permanent networks of the quatraple helix, academia, industry, public sector and society, structures that will stay operational after the project's completion, to support existing and future graduates in their innovation and business ideas implementation. The INAB/CERTH is successful in providing technologies, know-how, and assisting innovation in the primary and related secondary sector and also educates and trains graduates. The University of Macedonia is the leading university in entrepreneurship education, with an active alumni office and established linkages with the business world, to facilitate the employment of its graduates. The Faculty of Agricultural Sciences and Food is the leading institution providing education and research in the area of agriculture and agricultural economics, educating students at all cycles of studies. The National Extension Agency is the leading advisory service, with permanent contacts and relations with the farmers. It is permanently helping its target group in developing business plans or investment programs. The collaboration of the partners will create a well-structured outcome in educating graduates and young farmers through best practices, training and mentoring material and schemes for assisting innovation, startup development and business project design and implementation with special reference to the whole agricultural production value chain, starting from the primary production, buy-out and processing, up to retail and wholesale. The diffusion of the outcome will be promoted through a series of events such as webinars, career days, business and projects contests, e-learning platforms. Companies will take part and provide their own capacity,regarding the collaboration with graduates. The main target group is young graduates 25-30 yo. The project will have significant social and economic impact by transferring technologies and know-how to a number of graduates who will undertake innovation and business activities thus contributing to the inter-regional economic growth. It will a) create a demonstration effect motivating similar activities in the same and/or other sectors of economy b) transfer know how and technologies in the partners of the other side of the borders and c) make them able to proliferate these practices to the whole neighboring country. It will contribute to the integration of the CB area by developing common projects addressing common problems, by inducing the cross border technology and know-how transfer by possibly generating joint and /or complementary businesses even supply clusters and networks.
Funding Body: Interreg IPA CBC Programme “Greece – Republic of North Macedonia 2014 – 2020”
Project duration: 04/2019 - 04/2023
Contact: Panagiotis Madesis
Tel: +30 2310257531
THRIVING LAND is a project that supports Agri-food Education, implemented with funding from the Trans Adriatic Pipeline TAP (Pipeline of Good Energy) in all three Regions of Northern Greece traversed by the pipeline, in the context of TAP’s Social and Environmental Investment (SEI) programme, in collaboration with the Bodossaki Foundation. Also participating in the project as implementation partners are the American Farm School (AFS) and the Institute of Applied Biosciences (INAB) of the Center for Research and Technology Hellas (CERTH). The project develops on two levels: an educational/ consulting one and an agri-biotechnological one. As regards the first aspect, personalized education activities are delivered by the AFS experts. These are addressed to producers, small businesses and collaborative business ventures interested in commercialising and promoting their products. Educational activities to be implemented cover a wide spectrum of the agri-food sector, from sowing to marketing and sales or even exports. Educational content is adapted to the specific qualities of featured products and/ or areas. The project’s second pillar pertains to agri-biotechnological research and laboratory analysis, undertaken by the project’s scientific associates at INAB. The process aims to identify and quantify the specific characteristics and qualities of the selected agri-food products, in order to develop their genetic and biochemical “identity” and feature their added value, with the goal to promote them both in local and international markets. All interested parties may access the results of the relative studies. The project’s direct beneficiaries are estimated at 300 producers and 70 production units. The potential of this particular investment initiative exceeds this figure, however, as it will bring multiple benefits to residents of areas along TAP’s entire route, as well as the local economy in general: the project creates a bridge of communication and knowledge exchange between producers and scientists; it highlights the featured products’ unique characteristics; it connects agricultural production and tourism, as the products and their uniqueness operate as “ambassadors” of their areas of origin. In this context, all entities collaborating for this specific project aim for it to evolve into a new and innovative model for regional development and the growth of the agricultural sector in Greece in general – a sector in which thousands of people are active.
Funding Body: Trans Adriatic Pipeline (TAP) and the Bodossaki Foundation
Project duration: 11/2017 - 01/2021
Official project's website:
Contact: Anagnostis Argyriou
Tel: +30 2310498475
VF2FARM - Development and implementation of an automated, energy-autonomous vertical farming system: Assessment in urban and greenhouse crop applications
Vertical Farms / VF (vertical farming) systems, as a subclass of Controlled Environment Agriculture (CEA), are methods and systems of cultivation of crops in controlled environments. The term CEA is used to describe a technological approach to food production in order to develop and protect crop under optimum environmental conditions. The aim of the VF2FARM project is to design and develop a system of vertical agriculture using renewable energy systems (RES) that can be used both in urban applications and complementary or alternatively in commercial productive units (greenhouses). Additionally, growing and control systems will be developed, based on robotics and ICT technologies that will enable an optimum crop growth and development with reduced external inputs. At the same time, the qualitative, morphological, physiological and commercial characteristics of the plants cultivated in such systems will be studied. The final result of the project will be the production of Vertical Farming units, with low cost of construction and operation, for optimum crop production.
Funding Body: Co‐financed by the European Regional Development Fund of the European Union and Greek national funds through the Operational Program Competitiveness, Entrepreneurship and Innovation, under the call RESEARCH – CREATE - INNOVATE
Project duration: 07/2021 - 09/2023
Official project's website:
Contact: Anagnostis Argyriou
Tel: +30 2310498475
AGRO-IDENTITY - Authenticity documentation and competitiveness straightening of local traditional products of the Agri-food sector
Local products contribute to the adoption of the ‘identity’ of a region, creating links between the products, characteristics and culture of the production area, thereby highlighting the local ‘agri-food’ heritage. That is particularly important for the geographical areas of North Aegean and Cyprus.
In recent years there has been a shift of consumers towards local – traditional products with unique and distinctive quality characteristics. The increase in demand for such products is an economic opportunity for regions capable of diversifying their products appropriately by exploiting the endogenous potential of their area for their production and promotion. However, this consumer's interest is often exploited, as products that are not in reality local nor traditional, are appearing as such on the market. Scientific evidence of the authenticity of local products in relation to the characteristics and the production area, both for certified (PDO, PGI, TSG, OPAP) and non-certified products, is a direct priority of the cross-border area as it can be a key leverage for the agri-food sector growth.
The objective of the AGRO-IDENTITY project is to strengthen the competitiveness of agri-food enterprises by identifying the authenticity of local traditional products in the cross-border area and building mechanisms to strengthen rural entrepreneurship for their commercial exploitation in domestic and international markets.
The innovative approach of the project is based on the combined use of:
a) Genetic identity,
b) Isotopic footprint, and
c) Microbial profile, which makes it possible to identify authenticity in relation to the characteristics of the products, their means of production and their origins (botanical & geographical). In particular, within the framework of the AGRO-IDENTITY project, there will be realized:
-Mapping the characteristics of authenticity of local products, including local varieties, dairy products, wine and oils
-Development of standard procedures and structures for the provision of a label of authenticated identity and digital identity; and
-Development of business skills and supporting business in identifying, promoting, marketing and selling local products.
By combining institutional and research institutions with business needs, the project will contribute and help local products from the Northern Aegean area and Cyprus to acquire an authentication and an internationally recognizable brand-name, reinforcing the competitiveness of the enterprises involved in the production, processing and marketing of authentic local products in domestic and international markets.
Project duration: 10/2017 - 07/2021
Official project's website:
Contact: Panagiotis Madesis
Tel: +30 2311257531
Innovation Voucher | DIOPAS SA
The project aims to investigate the possibility of utilizing compounds with anti-fouling action found in marine algae of Greek coastal waters. The results of the project will give new improved characteristics to the products (nets) of the involved company (DIOPAS S.A.), in relation to the existing ones, with substances potentially hazardous to the marine environment.
Funding Body: Operational Programme Region of Central Macedonia
Project duration: 11/2020-10/2021
Contact: Anagnostis Argyriou
Tel: +30 2310498475
MICHAELIDES S.A. - Increasing the nicotine content of the Virginia variety by conventional methods and by using molecular markers
The aim of the work is to improve Virginia varieties to increase the nicotine content with classical molecular marker-assisted improvement methods.
Funding Body: A.Michailides S.A
Project duration: 08/2013 - 07/2018
Contact: Panagiotis Madesis
Tel: +30 2310257531
AROMA - Characterization with advanced genomic and biochemical methods of autochthonous Sideritis species.
In recent years there has been increased interest in the uses of many traditional herbs which are considered a significant source of compounds of natural origin with beneficial health effects. Similarly of great interest is the use of herbs or their ingredients in the pharmaceutical industry, cosmetics, food, beverages, etc. However, the primary plant material-herbs, and the processed product must meet strict requirements concerning their quality, safety and efficiency. Therefore it is necessary to invest in the characterization of native Sideritis populations growing in Greece, and especially the species S. scardica to fully characterize their genetic and biochemical properties contributing to their quality and and increased production but also to produce selected genetic material with superior quality and performance.
Funding Body: Macedonian-Thrace Brewery S.A.
Contact: Anagnostis Argyriou
Tel: +30 2310498475
Funding Body: GENERAL SECRETARIAT FOR RESEARCH AND TECHNOLOGY – NATIONAL STRATEGIC REFERENCE FRAMEWORK NSRF 2007-2013 The general objectives of the NUTRITOM project are to understand the genetic variation of the components that contribute to the chemoprotective properties (lycopene, vitamin C and arginine) of Greek tomato populations and thus exploit it to apply molecular markers to the genetic improvement of these varieties [molecular marker assisted selection (MAS)]. Contact Argiriou Anagnostis E-mail: Tel: 2310 498 475
Collaboration Network for the Exploitation of Biodiversity and Quality Improvement of Greek Fruit Tree Funding Body: GENERAL SECRETARIAT FOR RESEARCH AND TECHNOLOGY PAVET 2013 The project deals with the promotion of traditional Greek varieties of apple “Pilafa Delicius”, “Lemonata Volou” peach and “Bakirzeika” cherry with the aim of their rescue, evaluation of selected clones within the varieties, creation of high quality propagation material of the varieties, the improvement of their cultivation, conservation and processing conditions and the dissemination of these valuable varieties to other cultivation areas. Contact Argiriou Anagnostis E-mail: Tel: 2310 498 475
CASTOR bean (JONAH seed) cultivation in central Macedonia, Greece and industrial exploitation of its derivatives towards biofuel production Funding Body: NSRF – Greece Israel Call for Proposals for Joint R&D Projects The main goal of the Jonah-Fuel project is to identify cultivars suitable for cultivation in central Macedonia, North Greece, and collect data to facilitate the breeding of even better cultivars. At the same time it focuses on exploita-tion of potential uses of castor oil and castor bean residuals towards fuels production via thermochemical refinery processes. In the long term this project will facilitate the development of high quality varieties for elite end products. Incorporation of these castor oil products and residuals in conventional refineries is aimed at converting this alternative renewable feedstock to biofuels. All these studies in turn, will boost local economies and fuel rural development in marginal, erosion-prone and abandoned lands of the area. Contact Hilioti Zoe E-mail: Tel: 2310 498 273
Holistic approach of drought adaptation mechanisms in Lotus corniculatus natural populations for optimization of production under water stress Funding Body:Greek Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs, ARHIMIDES ÉÉÉ 2012-2015, SECTORAL OPERATIONAL PROGRAMME, EDUCATION AND LIFELONG LEARNING ESPA 2007-2013 Identification and characterization of natural populations of Lotus corniculatus species and the assessment of their genetic diversity and responses to water stress Contact Hilioti Zoe E-mail: Tel: 2310 498 273
An integrated effort for the efficient production and further exploitation of the potent natural anti-inflammatory compound neorogioltriol and its congeners Funding Body: GENERAL SECRETARIAT FOR RESEARCH AND TECHNOLOGY – NATIONAL STRATEGIC REFERENCE FRAMEWORK NSRF 2011 Neorogioltriol (NRG) is a brominated diterpene isolated from the endemic red alga Laurencia glandulifera. NRG is a powerful analgesic and anti-inflammatory compound, which is several hundred-fold more potent than aspirin and equally potent to morphine. However, further exploitation of NRG is hampered by low availability. Currently, there is no economically viable method for the chemical synthesis of NRG, neither a consistent natural source for the isolation of the bioactive compound. Current research aims to overcome this limitation by an integrated approach that combines systems biology, metabolic engineering, and aquaculture for the efficient production of NRG, with chemical, biological and pharmacological studies that are essential for its further exploitation. Employing a differential transcriptome analysis of Laurencia glandulifera populations that differ in their ability to produce NRG, the consortium will identify candidate genes that are involved in the biosynthesis of NRG, characterize the biosynthetic pathway, and transplant it to yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) for the production of the active compound. In parallel, partners will attempt to tackle current difficulties in the cultivation of Laurencia species, aiming to provide an alternative source of NRG through aquaculture. This approach is complemented by in vivo biological and pharmacological studies aiming to pinpoint the molecular mechanism of NRGs anti-inflammatory action, establish efficient delivery methods, and evaluate its stability; all essential components for further industrial exploitation of this potent natural product. The combined activities of the partners constitute a comprehensive approach that can result in bringing a highly potent compound from the host organism to the bedside. Contact Makris Antonis E-mail: Tel: 2311 257 541
A systems approach into the production of plant and algal diterpenes with high industrial and pharmaceutical value Funding Body: GENERAL SECRETARIAT FOR RESEARCH AND TECHNOLOGY – NATIONAL STRATEGIC REFERENCE FRAMEWORK Plants produce an enormous variety of natural products, low molecular weight compounds which have been evolutionarily selected to possess biological targets and actions. This bioactivity renders them substantially rich in compounds with high industrial value and use. The recentapplication of genomic and metabolomic technologies in plants and especially aromatic and medicinal plants has ushered a new era in the utilization of natural products. The current proposal focuses on terpenes, more specifically diterpenes, compounds with characteristic structures that have repeatedly shown to possess pharmaceutical activity such as taxol, a widely used antineoplastic drug and sclareol which is utilized extensively by the food, flavor and fragrance industry. The combination of comparative metabolomic and genomic approaches will enable the exploration of unknown biosynthetic pathways for sclareol as well as for new bioactive compounds, namely Prevezol A and B produced by red algae. To this aim the full transcriptomes of the plant species Salvia sclarea (Mediterranean plant related to sage) and the red algae Laurencia obtusa will be sequenced employing the new generation sequencing technology. The genetic information will be analyzed bioinformatically. The candidate genes participating in the biosynthetic pathway will be expressed in heterologous microbial systems (E. coli, S. cerevisiae) to functionally characterize the produced diterpenes as well as in transgenic plants such as tobacco, which maximize production yields. The known plasticity of these biosynthetic enzymes will be utilized by targeted engineering approaches to modify diterpene synthases and generate new enzymes producing sclareol and other diterpene compounds. Contact Makris Antonis E-mail: Tel: 2311 257 541
Glutathione transports: molecular tools for the development of basic and applied research in the fields of green and red biotechnology Funding Body: THALES – Operational Program “EDUCATION AND LIFELONG LEARNING” Glutathione transports (GSTs, E.C. are a superset of enzymes that catalyze the addition of the tripeptide glutathione (GSH) to a variety of electronphilic substrates. They are found as isoenzymes of different and wide selectivity and participate in the cell detoxification mechanism (prokaryotic and eukaryotic). GSTs are studied in detail as they are of considerable interest, with many applications in both agronomy and medicine (green and red biotechnology, respectively). The proposed project foresees the dynamic involvement and interaction of four specialized research teams with the aim of producing basic and applied research, utilizing as a molecular tool the catalytic diversity of the GST enzyme. The first axis of the project, that focuses on green biotechnology, will include a proteomic approach combined with functional genomic analysis of the catalytic biodiversity of GSTs isoenzymes from plants resistant to biotic and abiotic stresses. The second axis, which focuses on red biotechnology, includes the development and study of new, natural products derived from Greek biodiversity and also new, synthetic substances of peptide nature, with a potential anti-cancer drug activity. These substances will act as enzyme inhibitors of human GST isoenzymes. Contact Madesis Panagiotis E-mail: Tel: 2311 257 531
Design of Catalytic Bioscavengers against Toxic Herbicides by Resurrecting Functional Ancestral Enzymes and Directed Evolution Funding Body: GENERAL SECRETARIAT FOR RESEARCH AND TECHNOLOGY – NATIONAL STRATEGIC REFERENCE FRAMEWORK ARISTEIA II GSTs are enzymes that take part in the cell detox phase II, catalyzing the nucleophilic attack of the sulfhydryl group of the glutathione tripeptide (GSH: ã-Glu-Cys-Gly) in the large-scale toxicating compound. The DeCatBios research team will implement a multidisciplinary approach using enzyme engineering, structural biology and biomechanics as a tool to study and produce scientific knowledge focused on the structure and function of the GSTs family,(GST, EC, 2.5..1.18). The enzymatic engineering approach will be based on two different axes: a) application of in vitro directed evolution to GSTs of the tau (t) family, using isoenzymes from different plants, and b) application of evolutionary principles aimed at the revival of functionally primitive GST enzymes (palaeontoenzymology). The knowledge produced will be applied to the redesigning and evolution of GST enzymes with new and novel properties such as: a) high activity towards electrophilic toxic compounds (eg triazines and chloracetamides), and b) development and creation of new, more stable GST enzymes with different, optimal pH of action. The new enzymes will be studied structurally by applying biophysical methods and enzymatic kinetics. The results will provide information on the genetic, structural and physiological mechanisms that have led to the evolution and adaptation of the biodegradable catalytic action of GSTs. Such GST enzymes can find application as in vitro and / or in vivo tools for the catalytic biodegradation of toxic compounds, such as pesticides, providing the industry with “green” tools beyond what could be achieved with conventional chemical technologies. Contact Madesis Panagiotis E-mail: Tel: 2311 257 531
East-West Collaboration for Grapevine Diversity Exploration and Mobilization of Adaptive Traits for Breeding Funding Body: European Cooperation in the field of Scientific and Technical Research COST The grapevine genepool is particularly threatened in the marginal areas of its distribution range. At the same time, grapevine genetic resources in the presumed area of its domestication (south-eastern Europe and particularly the Caucasus) and along the migration route across Europe are poorly known while enclosing still untapped diversity and richness. To address this challenge scientists and breeders need to work together at an international level to generate knowledge about the valuable diversity, its patterns, processes and correlations with traits such as resistance and grape quality. This COST Action addresses that demand. Researchers from east and west European countries will work together to explore, on a large geographic scale and in a very wide range of countries, the genetic diversity and mobilize adaptive traits for breeding and sustainable use of this very valuable horticultural crop. Sharing experiences, responsibilities, information and materials for the development of phenotyping methods and association genetics studies in core collections will greatly improve the impact of the research conducted by each partner and will introduce innovative areas of research at the European level. The Action will, therefore, have a lasting contribution to creating beneficial knowledge, long-term conservation and a greater quality of grape production in Europe. Contact Argiriou Anagnostis E-mail: Tel: 2310 498 475
Animal Breeding: Quality Biodiversity Innovation Competitiveness Funding Body: ERDF INTERREG MED PROGRAM The project arises from the need to settle the preservation of the biodiversity of animals, their habitats and a sustainable agricultural production in the regions where cured meat typical products are an important tradition. QUBIC will go through all the organisational and technical aspects of the production and distribution chain, taking advantage of the existing differences in term of competences and experiences which characterise the partners. The project aims at collecting and arranging norms and experiences to establish a transfer mechanism for knowledge and expertise. The aim will be achieved by involving the institutions in charge of and interested in the project's topic, all around the MED area and organising seminars and networking meetings. Contact Argiriou Anagnostis E-mail: Tel: 2310 498 475
Setting up the innovation support mechanisms and increasing awareness on the potential of Food Innovation and RTD in the South- East Europe area Funding Body: ERDF SOUTH EAST EUROPE TRANSNATIONAL COOPERATION PROGRAM Inno- Food SEE directly addresses the objectives of the SEE Programme; more specifically Priority Axis 1- Facilitation of innovation and entrepreneurship and AoI 1.3- Enhance the framework conditions and pave the way to innovation. Inno- Food SEE objectives are twofold: to set up the appropriate mechanisms that will facilitate the exchange and coordination of research, technology and innovation approaches and policies for the Food Sector and to increase the public awareness on the importance of technological progress and innovation, mainly those related to the so called -omits technologies, in the Food Sector in the wider South- East Europe area. Inno- Food SEE will achieve its twofold objectives by: Assessing the needs of the participating countries for the establishment of the appropriate mechanisms that will boost innovation in the food sector thus contributing to entrepreneurship and competitiveness; -Developing a network of stakeholders/ decision takers that will become involved in the project phases and assist in the formulation of policies and mechanisms for food innovation; Strengthening the capacity for innovation of the participating entities; -Developing Operation Plans for Food Innovation and contributing to the development of a transnational food innovation system in the SEE area; -Enabling the development of an innovative friendly environment that allows the food industry and researchers to easily become engaged in innovative activities; -Promoting the profile of the SEE countries as a place for innovation and growth, emulating the successful examples of Food Valley in the Netherlands; -Contributing to a broader understanding of the potential that food innovation proposes to the society and diminishing fears for new food products and technologies -Introducing food innovation and entrepreneurship themes in the respective university curricula -Rendering young people more familiar with science and entrepreneurial spirit and further in Website: Contact Argiriou Anagnostis E-mail: Tel: 2310 498 475
An integrated systems approach to determine the developmental mechanisms controlling fleshy fruit quality in tomato and grapevine Funding Body: European Commission – European Cooperation in Science and Technology Because it is now well admitted that daily consumption of fruit provides important health benefits, it becomes important to decipher the mechanisms by which nutritional and sensory qualities are established during fruit development. Building on the completion of the whole genome sequence for the two major fleshy fruit species tomato and grapevine, this COST Action aims to bring together research groups working on climacteric (tomato) and non-climacteric (grape) model fruits to exchange knowledge and to harness European research in this area to the most advanced genomics and post-genomics technologies. The Action will bring new insight on the physiology and biochemistry of fleshy fruit. The training of researchers on cutting-edge methodologies and the implementation of bioinformatics tools for data integration will significantly enhance the competitiveness of European research in this field. Combining studies on the two fruit models in an unprecedented multidisciplinary approach will expand our understanding of fruit development and will provide new leads to improve fruit quality. Website: Contact Hilioti Zoe E-mail: Tel: 2310 498 273
Conservation and utilization of Sage biodiversity (Salvia sp.), aromatic and medicinal plants Funding Body: EU/GSRT/DLR SEE-ERA NET The genus Salvia has a long history of use in traditional medicine and is considered a traditional medicinal herb for numerous maladies. Salvia species are especially rich in bioactive terpenoids. Several isolated compounds from Salvia species are highly bioactive and are assessed as potential drugs (Salvinorin, tanshinone, salvicine, carnosol, salvianolic acid). Our research activities utilize current knowledge and technical expertise to ) extend the collection of representative genotypes from the species, b) to analyse the genetic and chemic diversity in there Salvia species growing in the Lower Balkan region (Salvia fruticosa, S. pomifera, S. officinalis) and c) to isolate and characterize terpene biosynthetic enzymes, and reconstitute their biosynthetic pathway in microorganisms. In the context of our research, we have isolated and characterized several new enzymes and isoenzymes producing terpenes. Gene analysis indicated the presence of highly homologous gene copies expressed only in glandular trichoms (specialized tissues producing essential oils) which give rise to a differentiating terpenoid profile. Contact Makris Antonis E-mail: Tel: 2311 257 541
Omics technologies for crop improvement, traceability, determination of authenticity, adulteration and origin in saffron Funding Body: Europe COST action Ôhe main challenge in the scope of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) is the development of a sustainable economy based on High Value Agricultural Products (HVAP). Saffron is the highest priced HVAP in the world. Its prize can reach 20,000 /kg retail. The Saffron crocus (C. sativus Linn) is a perennial, triploid and genetically sterile plant that is only vegetatively propagated via its corms which undergo a period of dormancy. This plant has been traditionally cultivated for its red stigmatic three-branch styles which not only comprise a highly desirable golden condiment but also, its second chemical derivatives have been used in medicine for a number of health properties. Adulteration and fraud constitute a main problem of HVAPs, including Saffron, and they must be fought with the development of technological tools based on fine chemistry, molecular biology and applied physics. Saffron is adulterated with a variety of chemical and biological substances. Mislabeling of the country of origin confuses and/or misleads Saffron consumers. Fraud is an enormous problem for the Saffron industry and could comprise its long-term viability. The loss of land surface dedicated to Saffron crop in many areas of Europe has resulted in a corresponding genetic erosion. The sterility in Saffron limits the application of conventional breeding approaches for its further improvement. These facts support the interest of biotech breeding approaches to be useful to increase the genetic variability of the crop. Hence, the creation of a germplasm bank for this species, including wild relatives to broaden the available gene pool useful for genetic improvement of the crop has been a great achievement. Since 2007, the European Commission AGRI GEN RES 018 action has permitted the creation of the World Saffron and Crocus Collection (WSCC), which contains a good representation of Saffron biodiversity (see There is an urgent need for collaborative research on Saffron OMICS at EU level, since Saffron is a European crop for its cultural and historical background, food-safe tendencies, and commercial quality, prestige of the European PDOs and PGIs, and leadership of the European research teams. Website: Contact Madesis Panagiotis E-mail: Tel: 2311 257 531
Computational biology and data analysis New nucleic acid sequencing technologies have changed the way data is handled. Specifically, the volume of data produced, computational power and highly specialized staff for their analysis are currently the bottleneck for those dealing with gene approaches. In order to overcome the above obstacles, the Institute of Applied Biosciences of CERTH (INAB) has already developed and develops the infrastructures and bioinformatics tools that can assist in the large-volume analysis of Big Data produced by high performance sequencing experiments. Within the context of the utilization of infrastructure and the specialized personnel of CERTH / INAB, the Institute intends to use computational biology infrastructure for the provision of services to third parties, for the analysis of biological data. Contact Argiriou Anagnostis E-mail: Tel: 2310 498 475
Utilization of modern techniques in the control of starch raw material and the role of starch in the production of food with improved qualitative and nutritional characteristics Funding Body: NSRF 2007-2013 The present proposal seeks to resolve a series of problems ranging from primary production to the processing of the final product for the production of gluten-free products, in particular the production of snacks and bakery products, but also the setting of scientific bases for the creation of new innovative gluten free products. The main objective is to solve the problems created in the production of gluten-free products using modern genomic technologies in combination with specialized biochemical analysis. Contact Argiriou Anagnostis E-mail: Tel: 2310 498 475
Agri-Genomics Transfer and Dissemination Between Greece & Bulgaria, Interreg Greece Bulgaria Funding Body: ERDF – INTERREG GREECE BULGARIA The European Territorial Cooperation Programme Greece-Bulgaria 2007-2013 recognises the essential role of research in the new economy, that can act as the intermediary link between entrepreneurship and the technological and scientific achievements. More opportunities for research exist in the Greek side than in the Bulgarian. Most research institutes are located in Thessaloniki. Ìoreover, research activities in diverse scientific and technological sectors are performed in Universities spread all over the CBC area. However, there is still plenty to be done in the field of research which can contribute to the development of a knowledge based economy, goal set by the Lisbon agreement. In a unified European space, benefits from scientific research, technological progress and innovation should not be restricted within the national borders. The project is the result of bringing together of various converging needs and achievements: a) INA has been active in agrobiotechnological research and has had several successes and is seeking actively to have a direct impact on industry. Such co-operation has existed for many years with Greek industries. It is now seeking to establish such connections with nearby Bulgarian industry and producers. b) IEE is a pioneer in paving the way to new forms of exhibition activity and in particular wants to enter into what is expected to be the thrust of the regional economic development: innovation and technology transfer. c) the Mountain’s Milk National Association wants to benefit from the advancements of agrobiotechnology to assist the Bulgarian milk industry meet EU standards and achieve the desired productivity for the producers of the Rodopi mountains. Contact Madesis Panagiotis E-mail: Tel: 2311 257 531
Proposal for improvement of goat TSE discriminative diagnosis and susceptibility based assessment of BSE infectivity in goat milk and meat Funding Body: FP6 Specific Targeted Research and Innovation Project Sequencing of PrP coding region for 1000 goats (multiple Greek and Cypriot breeds). Full sequencing to include promoter, coding and downstream regions from 3 Greek goats. In vitro assays to assess risk of PrPsc from goat to humans. Development of biochemical methods to determine the presence or absence of prion protein contamination in goat milk, milk products (feta cheese) and meat. Provide tissue samples from scrapie-affected goats of different genotypes for biochemical assays. Assessment of techniques, i.e. rapid tests currently used with sheep, for the diagnosis of goat scrapie. Assessment of the tonsil biopsy test for ante-mortem diagnosis of scrapie in goats. Development of lectin-based assay for the discrimination of caprine BSE and scrapie.
Funding Body: Operational Programme «Competitiveness and Entrepreneurship» (OPCE ÉÉ), NSRF 2007-2013, Bilateral R & T cooperation between Greece Slovakia 2011-2012 The climate changes that are occurring at present are very likely to have an adverse impact on food production and food quality. The diversity contained within plant genetic resources provides the variability needed for adaptation, and therefore will serve as a key element in maintaining food production under novel temperature, precipitation, and disease conditions. Nevertheless, this diversity is increasingly threatened, and there is an urgent need to collect and secure plant genetic resources for the global community. For that reason, the project aims to enhance the ex situ collections of both countries with newly acquired accessions of landraces and crop wild relatives with special emphasis to the wheat gene pool, as well as to promote knowledge on specific agronomical traits of this germplasm, in order to detect potentially exploitable genetic resources in breeding strategies for adaption to climate changes. In particular, an integrated approach for the use of genetic resources to mitigate and adapt to climate changes has been planned, including a number of collecting expeditions for the collection of plant material in both countries. Also, the ex situ conservation and the evaluation of these genetic resources under different environments is going to be held. Furthermore, the morphological and molecular characterization of the collected accessions from the wheat gene pool is going to be implemented. The acquired information will be documented in the national databases of both countries, as well as in the European Central Crop Data Base rendering these accessions available for breeding and research. Contact Madesis Panagiotis E-mail: Tel: 2311 257 531
Bringing The Benefits Of Research To AgroFood SMEs of the Regions of Central Macedonia, Puglia and Pazardjik Funding Body: EU – FP7 – Coordination and Support Action (CSA) – A.C. MODEL The overarching objective of RAF- REGIONS is to increase the overall capacity of the Regions of Central Macedonia (Greece), Puglia (Italy) and Pazardjik (Bulgaria) in enhancing science and technology based economic development, focusing on the AgroFood Sector. The specific project objectives are: -To support the development and operation of innovative Research-driven Clusters in the AgroFood sector of the Regions of Central Macedonia, Puglia and Pazardjik -To enable the Regions to attract more and better RTD investments, to enhance their capacity to participate in FP7 and CIP and to mobilise national, regional and private sector financial possibilities -To promote synergies between regional and research policies at each participating Region and to produce regional research strategies for the AgroFood sector -To foster transnational cooperation in the AgroFood sector between the project partners -To assist the AgroFood sector SMEs of the participating Regions in becoming more competitive, by adopting new technologies developed through research -To facilitate the exchange of best practices between the partners and adapting them to their needs -To mentor the participating partners, through mutual exchange of experience and best practices -To cooperate with relevant projects and initiatives developed in other European Regions The project partners (Regional Authorities, SME Associations, Research Entities and Technology Consultants) already comprise regional research-driven-clusters and have the necessary experience and the institutional role to intervene and have a direct impact on research policies for the AgroFood sector. The project activities (including mapping and analysis of research actors, SME technology audits, SWOT analysis, training workshops and trips, info days, a conference, development of Joint Action Plan for AgroFood RTD, dissemination and exploitation activities) address directly the objectives of Call FP7-REGIONS-2007-1. In addition, the participation of RAF- REGIONS in the FOOD CLUSTERING Initiative will facilitate its main ambition to contribute to strengthening EU Food research driven clusters by interregional cooperation.
Prevention, Control, Treatment, Management and Risk analysis of Prion Diseases Funding Body: FP6 Network of Excellence (NoE) Our prion disease research group is currently working toward the development of early detection methods and therapeutic strategies targeting the pathogenic agents that cause Transmissible Spongiform Encephalopathies, such as Creutzfeldt-Jakob in human, scrapie in sheep and goats and BSE in cattle. Additionally, we are examining the possible role of glycosaminoglycans and the tPA/plasminogen system in human and animal neurodegenerative diseases. To achieve these goals, our research group maintains close contact with two veterinary laboratories and the Neurology clinics of Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (A.U.Th.), and also collaborates with many major research institutes in Europe and the USA. Our research activity takes place in two equipped P2 and P3 security level laboratories that are located in the 3rd floor and the basement of the Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences building, in the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. We also maintain a P3 security level animal house for in vivo experiments. In collaboration with the National Organization of Medicines, we have managed to create in Greece, the first Tissue Bank with samples from both human and animals infected with TSEs. Our group is also collaborating with the Institute of Agrobiotechnology (INA) and the National Agricultural Research Foundation (N.AG.RE.F.) performing basic and applied research aimed at detecting individuals with scrapie resistant genotypes for use in a breeding program to create a scrapie resistant Greek sheep population. Finally, our prion disease research group has been charged by the Greek National Ministry of Health with the task of performing surveillance and biochemical characterization of all Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease cases in Greece
Funding Body: MARIE CURIE / HPMF-CT-2002-01918
Funding Body: MARIE CURIE / HPMF-CT-2002-01918
Sustainable techno-economic solutions for the agricultural value chain
The 3-year large-scale project, led by the University College of Dublin, involves 25 partners from the EU, Hong Kong and Mainland China and will look for innovative technologies that will increase the sustainable use of agricultural waste (crop residues and livestock effluents), co-products and by-products.
Focus areas for this strategic orientation and their anticipated impacts are:
Improve the utilisation of existing feedstock sources from the agro-, forest-, marine, chemical and waste industry sectors, also in geographical areas with currently low bio-based activities. This includes feedstock from the paper and pulp and the food production and processing industries.
Our group under the CERTH umbrella, was responsible for the evaluation of the capacity of industrial yeast strains (Y. lipolytica, S. cerevisiae) and mixed communities to convert agricultural wastes into useful biomass.
We are interested to further pursue these goals by and improving Yarrowia lipolytica strains by forced evolution. The growth of Yarrowia lipolytica is particularly suited on glycerol substrate, which it consumes with great ease, while using part of it to produce triacylglycerol during lipid accumulation. The ability to adapt its growth and maximize lipid storage based on the special substrate of industrial waste of the biodiesel sector can further improve the successful biotransformation of waste.
In order to accelerate the process of adapting the organism, the forced evolution approach, through chemical mutagenesis will be pursued. In combination with the use of new genetic tools such as Next Generation Sequencing and bioinformatics of large data processing, chemical mutagenesis in a large number of cells will create a diversity of genetics that will be forced to adapt to the specialized waste substrates. Through this procedure, the most versatile organisms that store large amounts of lipids will be successively selected. Following a series of forced evolution cycles, improved organisms for molecular characterization will be selected to analyze mutations in the Yarrowia genome and changes in expressed genes
Makris Antonis
Tel: 2311 257 541
Data-Driven Bioeconomy
The data intensive target sector selected for the DataBio project is the Data-Driven Bioeconomy, focusing in production of best possible raw materials from agriculture, forestry and fishery/aquaculture for the bioeconomy industry to produce food, energy and biomaterials taking into account also various responsibility and sustainability issues. DataBio proposes to deploy a state of the art, big data platform on top of the existing partners infrastructure and solutions – the Big DATABIO Platform.The work will be continuous cooperation of experts from end user and technology provider companies, from bioeconomy and technology research institutes, and of other partners. In the pilots also associated partners and other stakeholders will be actively involved. The selected pilots and concepts will be transformed to pilot implementations utilizing co-innovative methods and tools where the bioeconomy sector end user experts and other stakeholders will give input to the user and sector domain understanding for the requirements specifications for ICT, Big Data and Earth Observation experts and for other solution providers in the consortium. Based on the preparation and requirement specifications work the pilots are implemented utilizing and selecting the best suitable market ready or almost market ready Big Data and Earth Observation methods, technologies, tools and services to be integrated to the common Big DATABIO Platform. During the pilots the close cooperation continues and feedback from the bioeconomy sector user companies will be utilized in the technical and methodological upgrades to pilot implementations. Based on the pilot results and the new solutions also new business opportunities are expected. In addition during the pilots the end user utilizers are participating trainings to learn how to use the solutions and developers also outside the consortium will be activated in the Hackathons to design and develop new tools, services and application for the platform.
Argiriou Anagnostis
Tel: 2310 498 475
Partneship for Research and Innovation in the Mediterranean Area
The overall objective of the 4PRIMA Coordination and Support Action (CSA) is to create the bases and support for long-term, well-structured and integrated partnership for research and innovation on food systems and water resources, between the countries of both shores of the Mediterranean basin. Rapid demographic, socio-economic, and climate changes are threatening the sustainable development of the Mediterranean region, where agriculture has to cope with increased demand for food production in a scenario of water scarcity and increasing competition for water use between different sectors. Therefore, policy makers and businesses are required to rapidly respond to the demand for innovation. In addition, the capacity of Mediterranean societies to adapt and effectively react to these changes depends on the overall response of integration that the Euro-Mediterranean region is able to implement.
Argiriou Anagnostis
Tel: 2310 498 475